  • Naga Baas
  • The Naga Baas was created from a random Serpentress by Krellenos (who kidnapped it while Chaorrupting the heart of the Ancient Temple ruins) using Un-Chaorrupted Arashtite ore. The Baas was, according to Krellenos, to help him decide how the residents of Lore should live or die. Naturally, the Naga Baas was defeated by the players not long afterwards.
  • The Naga Baas was created from a random Serpentress by Krellenos (who kidnapped it while Chaorrupting the heart of the Ancient Temple ruins) using Un-Chaorrupted Arashtite ore. The Baas was, according to Krellenos, to help him decide how the residents of Lore should live or die. Naturally, the Naga Baas was defeated by the players not long afterwards.