  • Heroes (TV series)/Claire/Headscratchers
  • The two of them never met. Did everybody get together at a coffee shop after the final battle of season 1 and compare notes? * If so, it was a really good idea, not a silly one. Poor Communication Kills, remember? Most of the collisions between heroes on this show happen because each knows only part of the story. Anyway, when you're fighting for your life and people you've never met show up to fight with you, of course you'll talk to them afterwards. * Except for that Hiro wasn't around after the final battle of season 1. He was in feudal Japan. Claire could possibly have met up with Ando, I suppose... * All the characters getting together and comparing notes is indeed a really smart idea, but if they did so after the end of season 1, their constant in-fighting and failure to s
  • The two of them never met. Did everybody get together at a coffee shop after the final battle of season 1 and compare notes? * If so, it was a really good idea, not a silly one. Poor Communication Kills, remember? Most of the collisions between heroes on this show happen because each knows only part of the story. Anyway, when you're fighting for your life and people you've never met show up to fight with you, of course you'll talk to them afterwards. * Except for that Hiro wasn't around after the final battle of season 1. He was in feudal Japan. Claire could possibly have met up with Ando, I suppose... * All the characters getting together and comparing notes is indeed a really smart idea, but if they did so after the end of season 1, their constant in-fighting and failure to seek help throughout season 2 just makes them seem even sillier. * None of the characters would have had this chance, though. From what we saw in "Four Months Ago", Niki and Micah pretty much took DL to the hospital right away, where they met Bob. Mohinder, likewise, took charge of Molly and probably went to the hospital with Matt. Bennet and Claire took off for Odessa to go into hiding in California. And Peter took Nathan to the hospital before being jumped by Elle. * The obvious answer is that at some point when Peter and Claire were living together during the later part of Season One at Nathan's house, Peter finally had a chance to tell Claire about how he had come to save her from Sylar in Odessa. Peter DID know the name of Hiro Nakurma and Claire was probably bright enough to figure out who the Japanese guy who stabbed Sylar was in the aftermath. * Another obvious answer is that Claire learned it from Noah, when they had a chance to sit down and talk things over between the end of Season One and Season Two. Even though Noah never met Hiro, he had multiple opportunities to know of him and his power. Eden, who was watching Mohinder, told Noah about the story Peter told Mohinder; about a man who could paint the future and a man named Hiro Nakamura who could time-travel. For that matter, Isaac could have told Noah about the Japanese guy who called him and claimed to be able to stop time and/or shown Noah his comics which featured Hiro as a character. That may have stirred Noah's memory of his boss Kaito Nakamura and think "Hmmm... doesn't he have a son named Hiro?" * Explained in the (currently) latest episode, "Our Father". While standing in the greenhouse with Hiro, Claire explicitly says that Peter had told her about him.