  • Changing Perceptions
  • By Vonnacht He had to leave the City, that much was certain. Scents spiralled up to his spot on the roof of the Office, swirling and mixing until they reached his nostrilis, filling them with nausea. How long could he keep up his charade? How long could he be a friend to these people, and how long would it take them to realise that he wasn't a gallant defender, a loving friend, but something far more sinister? 'No. Force it down. Get away from it. They aren't your enemies, they care more about you than anyone else you've ever known...' He muttered, wishing he could force himself to believe it.
  • By Vonnacht He had to leave the City, that much was certain. Scents spiralled up to his spot on the roof of the Office, swirling and mixing until they reached his nostrilis, filling them with nausea. How long could he keep up his charade? How long could he be a friend to these people, and how long would it take them to realise that he wasn't a gallant defender, a loving friend, but something far more sinister? The last mission had awoken something in him. Shamefaced, remembering the events, remembering his vile words to the captives, Von looked at the full moon. Hitting Kennia was just the start, he knew. His eyes were betraying him, the red mist descending. He was beginning to see his family as something else... prey, perhaps? 'No. Force it down. Get away from it. They aren't your enemies, they care more about you than anyone else you've ever known...' He muttered, wishing he could force himself to believe it. The bruise on Kennia's temple stood out in his mind, reminding him just how vicious he could be. If I can do this to those I care about, what will become of me? Where will I go? And when will they finally find out my true past? He grimaced, rolling a cigarette. He knew he couldn't leave. They'd find him, and they'd want answers. Could they accept his replies? Or would he be murdered on the spot? Amidst all the self loathing and thoughts of blood and murder, a glimmer of hope arose. Perhaps they wouldn't have to know? If he could regain his control, perhaps he could beat it this time. Control, that's it. The red mist descends but you force it away. Blood covered ground won't excite you any longer. You will be stronger, Von. You will hold firm. If they knew... Von closed his eyes, trying to drive these seditious thoughts from his mind. He could not, he would not see his family come to harm. As his eyes opened again, the nagging doubt arose once more. 'But what if you lose control again?' He growled, lighting his cigarette and trying to distract his thoughts again.