  • Rorschach
  • Rorschach
  • Rorschach
  • Rorschach is a superhero and a member of the Watchmen. He is also the partner of Nite-Owl. His mask, which he calls his "face," is made of a unique fabric with black and white colors that constantly change.
  • Rorschach è un simpatico personaggio di "Watchmen", della DC Comics. Lavora come vigilante cattivo e malvagio a Londra dove rimuove brutalmente dall'esistenza chiunque infranga la legge; nel tempo libero è inoltre la celebre mascotte dei detersivi Omino Bianco.
  • Rorschach made a cameo terrorizing Captain Carnage before the latter was transported into a Traitor Game. When Carnage returned moments before his grisly elevator shaft fate, he pleaded with the vigilante-detective, ranting about his experiences in the antimatter universe with other players and the Crime Syndicate of Amerika. Rorschach initially dismissed the Captain's words as nonsense, but considered the veracity of it considering how specific he was. He released and spared Captain Carnage, offering the man a chance to change his ways. This takes place several years in Rorschach past, predating the events of Watchmen as well as Rorschach's own involvement in the Traitor Games.
  • Rorschach (Walter Kovacs) is a vigilante and superhero from the comic book Watchmen.
  • Name: Walter Joseph Kovacs aka Rorschach Gender: Male Age: 45 Classification: Human detective Powers and Abilities: Peak human physical characteristics, skilled in close combat and armed fighting. Attack Potency: Athlete level Lifting Strength: Athlete level Durability: Athlete level Range: Human melee range, higher with weapons Standard Equipment: A grappling gun and firearms Intelligence: Well versed in detective work. Weaknesses: Regular human weaknesses such as being shot, stabbed, falling from high heights, etc.
  • Rorschach is a BZPower member who gained admission into Project Klinkerpoop and then simultaeniously asked to be in Generic Quest(lol nub), Found, and Heroes. He was part of the comic series Appetite for Comedy and the new season of Operation LOSER. As of March 2009, he has left BZPower. He later returned, claiming to be "Still not 100% back". However, he reopened The Q Files, which died later. He has since became absent again. ALSO HES NP BUT THIS PLACE IT DEAD SO NO ONE WILL READ IT LOLLL
  • Rorschach is an American Professional wrestler. Rorschach is a masked wrestler, who uses a mixed quick technical/high flying wrestling style.
  • Rorschach, also known as Walter Joseph Kovacs, is a masked detective that made his first comic book appearance in the graphic novel Watchmen.
  • Rorschach is an popular comic book hero from the Series Watchmen, and wrestles in NESE.
  • File:Rostarch.gif Write the text of your article here!
  • thumb|Esta fue la mancha de tinta que me dieron en el mensaje. Estaba ocupado en mi equipo cuando recibí un mensaje de mi amigo. No dijo nada, sólo tenía una imagen de mancha de tinta. Pensé que sólo estaba bromeando, pero pronto recibí otro texto que dice " ¿Qué ves ? " Yo sólo respondí: " Creo que se ve estúpido " Dejó de enviarme mensajes, pero pronto empecé de nuevo. Podía escuchar la canción "Unforgettable" de Nat King Cole tocando. Me ataron, por suerte había un cuchillo en los alrededores, que traté de alcanzar. Pero antes de que pudiera, el hombre apareció frente a mí.
  • Rorschach (real name: Walter Kovacs) is a central character in the comic series and film Watchmen. In the setting of the story, Rorschach is the only remaining active masked vigilante not employed by the U.S. Government. A ruthless crime-fighter, his beliefs in moral absolutism and objectivism — good and evil with no shades of grey — have driven him to seek to punish evil at all costs. Rorschach's mask displays a constantly morphing inkblot based on the ambiguous designs used in Rorschach inkblot tests, with the mask's black and white coloring consistent with Rorschach's sense and view of morality.
  • Rorschach is a fictional comic book character and an anti-hero of the acclaimed 1986 DC Comics miniseries Watchmen and the movie of the same name. Rorschach was created by writer Alan Moore and artist Dave Gibbons. Jackie Earle Haley portrayed him in the 2009 film adaptation directed by Zack Snyder.
Portrayed By
  • Portrayed By
Row 9 info
  • Uses Improvised Weapons
Row 8 info
  • Hand-to-hand combat expertise, Detective Expertise
Row 4 info
  • Watchmen
  • 6
Row 7 title
  • Powers
Row 1 info
  • Walter Kovacs
Row 8 title
  • Skills and Abilities
type of hero
  • Detective, Good-Hearted Bastard
Row 4 title
  • Team Affliations
Row 9 title
  • Tools and Weapons
Row 2 info
  • Watchmen #1
Row 6 info
  • New York City
type of villain
  • Anti-Villain / Vigilante / Brute
Row 1 title
  • Real Name
Row 5 info
  • None
Powers and Abilities
  • Powers and Abilities
Row 2 title
  • First Appearance
Row 6 title
  • Base of Operations
Row 5 title
  • Alias
Row 3 info
  • Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons
Row 3 title
  • Creators
Row 7 info
  • None
  • silver
Box Title
  • Evil-Doer
  • Rorschach
  • Committ suicide so he would be able to save Doctor Manhattan from being guilty after Ozymandias' plan
  • Defeat Ozymandias
  • Protect the public, Expose corruption
  • Enforce justice by any means nessecary even if it means of usage in violence or murder
Birth Date
  • 1940-03-21
  • 1981-12-09
  • blue
  • Watchmen
  • Genius-Level Intellectual, Sophistication and Wisdom, Intimidation, Uttlery Violent and Ruthless, Great Strength, Speed, Agility and Reflexes, Many other amazing physical attributes, High-Level Fighting Skills, Unpredictable, Ability of improvising everything into a weapon of his own
  • Marksmanship, Camouflage, Stealth, High intellect
Base of Operations
  • Base of Operations
death place
  • -
Voiced by
  • ???
  • red
  • Rorschach
Group Affiliations
  • Group Affiliations
Traitor Game Roles
  • Traitor Game Roles
BoO info
  • New York City
Alter Ego info
  • Walter Joseph Kovacs, "'Chach"
Traitor Game History
  • Traitor Game History
Roles info
  • TG IV - Traitor TG XIV - Agent
First TG Appearance
  • First TG Appearance
Portrayal info
Traitor Game Rivals
  • Traitor Game Rivals
Group info
  • The Crimebusters
First TG info
TG History info
  • Traitor Game IV, Awards Show, XIV, Limbo Legion Back-Ups, XX
™ / © Owner
  • ™ / © Owner
PA info
  • Extremely ruthless, dedicated, and capable investigator and crimefighter. Efficient hand-to-hand combatant.
Rivals info
™ / © info
  • DC Comics
Occupation info
  • Vigilante
Character Name
  • Rorschach
  • New York City
  • 140.0
  • 170.0
  • Rorschach
  • Rorschach, Terror of the Underworld ,Kovacs
  • Enforcing justice
  • Reading the Newspaper, Checking for tails
  • #FFE93E
Birth Place
  • 2.200000
  • 5
  • 182.88
  • Rorschach
death date
  • -
Image size
  • 250
  • 20
  • #efefef
Real Name
  • General
  • Image gallery
  • Event history
  • Occupation
  • Detective for hire
  • Masked Crime Fighter and Superhero
  • Member of the Watchmen Team
  • 1965
  • 2003-03-29
  • Walter Joseph Kovacs
  • Walter Kovacs
Image File
  • Rorschach.jpg
  • Rorschachwiki.png
  • New York City
  • 2006
  • "never"
Alter Ego
  • Alter Ego
  • 300
  • Rorschach is a superhero and a member of the Watchmen. He is also the partner of Nite-Owl. His mask, which he calls his "face," is made of a unique fabric with black and white colors that constantly change.
  • Rorschach è un simpatico personaggio di "Watchmen", della DC Comics. Lavora come vigilante cattivo e malvagio a Londra dove rimuove brutalmente dall'esistenza chiunque infranga la legge; nel tempo libero è inoltre la celebre mascotte dei detersivi Omino Bianco.
  • Rorschach made a cameo terrorizing Captain Carnage before the latter was transported into a Traitor Game. When Carnage returned moments before his grisly elevator shaft fate, he pleaded with the vigilante-detective, ranting about his experiences in the antimatter universe with other players and the Crime Syndicate of Amerika. Rorschach initially dismissed the Captain's words as nonsense, but considered the veracity of it considering how specific he was. He released and spared Captain Carnage, offering the man a chance to change his ways. This takes place several years in Rorschach past, predating the events of Watchmen as well as Rorschach's own involvement in the Traitor Games.
  • thumb|Esta fue la mancha de tinta que me dieron en el mensaje. Estaba ocupado en mi equipo cuando recibí un mensaje de mi amigo. No dijo nada, sólo tenía una imagen de mancha de tinta. Pensé que sólo estaba bromeando, pero pronto recibí otro texto que dice " ¿Qué ves ? " Yo sólo respondí: " Creo que se ve estúpido " Dejó de enviarme mensajes, pero pronto empecé de nuevo. Esta vez él respondió diciendo: "Yo veo tripas salpicadas por todas partes! " Eso me asustó un poco, así que no respondí. Después de un rato oí llamar a la puerta. Fui a ver, pero tan pronto como abrí la puerta un hombre con una máscara de payaso blanco y negro puso una servilleta con algún tipo de sustancia que me hizo caer dormido. Me desperté y me encontré en mi sótano . Podía escuchar la canción "Unforgettable" de Nat King Cole tocando. Me ataron, por suerte había un cuchillo en los alrededores, que traté de alcanzar. Pero antes de que pudiera, el hombre apareció frente a mí. Tenía una camisa de fuerza, pero sus brazos no estaban envueltos alrededor de él blandía un hacha, pero no pude verle la cara. Tenía una máscara de payaso de color blanco y negro . Él me miró y me dijo: ¡"Tengo tu interior"! Por lo que pude ver que había tomado uno de mis riñones, y parte de mi estómago. Después de eso me desperté. ¿Había sido todo un sueño? He comprobado que mi cuerpo no tenía cicatrices o puntos de sutura, de repente, cuando miré a un lado de mi cama había un dibujo, un dibujo del mismo hombre. Rápidamente llamé a mi amigo para preguntarle qué demonios estaba pensando. Cuando respondió le dije todo lo relacionado con los mensajes de texto y las imágenes. Parecía confundido, entonces él me dijo que nunca me envió ningún mensaje. center|thumb|Esta era la imagen de mi cama. Categoría:Otros
  • Rorschach (Walter Kovacs) is a vigilante and superhero from the comic book Watchmen.
  • Name: Walter Joseph Kovacs aka Rorschach Gender: Male Age: 45 Classification: Human detective Powers and Abilities: Peak human physical characteristics, skilled in close combat and armed fighting. Attack Potency: Athlete level Lifting Strength: Athlete level Durability: Athlete level Range: Human melee range, higher with weapons Standard Equipment: A grappling gun and firearms Intelligence: Well versed in detective work. Weaknesses: Regular human weaknesses such as being shot, stabbed, falling from high heights, etc.
  • Rorschach is a BZPower member who gained admission into Project Klinkerpoop and then simultaeniously asked to be in Generic Quest(lol nub), Found, and Heroes. He was part of the comic series Appetite for Comedy and the new season of Operation LOSER. As of March 2009, he has left BZPower. He later returned, claiming to be "Still not 100% back". However, he reopened The Q Files, which died later. He has since became absent again. ALSO HES NP BUT THIS PLACE IT DEAD SO NO ONE WILL READ IT LOLLL
  • Rorschach is an American Professional wrestler. Rorschach is a masked wrestler, who uses a mixed quick technical/high flying wrestling style.
  • Rorschach, also known as Walter Joseph Kovacs, is a masked detective that made his first comic book appearance in the graphic novel Watchmen.
  • Rorschach is an popular comic book hero from the Series Watchmen, and wrestles in NESE.
  • Rorschach is a fictional comic book character and an anti-hero of the acclaimed 1986 DC Comics miniseries Watchmen and the movie of the same name. Rorschach was created by writer Alan Moore and artist Dave Gibbons. Jackie Earle Haley portrayed him in the 2009 film adaptation directed by Zack Snyder. His mask displays a constantly morphing inkblot that is based on the ambiguous designs used in Rorschach inkblot tests. Rorschach was named the 16th Greatest Comic Book Character by Empire magazine, 6th Greatest Comic Book Character of All Time by Wizard magazine, and 16th on Top 100 Comic Book Heroes by IGN.
  • Rorschach (real name: Walter Kovacs) is a central character in the comic series and film Watchmen. In the setting of the story, Rorschach is the only remaining active masked vigilante not employed by the U.S. Government. A ruthless crime-fighter, his beliefs in moral absolutism and objectivism — good and evil with no shades of grey — have driven him to seek to punish evil at all costs. Rorschach's mask displays a constantly morphing inkblot based on the ambiguous designs used in Rorschach inkblot tests, with the mask's black and white coloring consistent with Rorschach's sense and view of morality. In the film he was portrayed by Jackie Earle Haley, who also portrayed the remade incarnation of Freddy Krueger.
  • File:Rostarch.gif Write the text of your article here!
is List of
is Rivals info of
is currentholder of