  • Let's Get Away from It All
  • Let's Get Away from It All
  • "Let's Get Away from it All" est une chanson populaire composée en 1941 sur Terre. (Réalité extrapolée *) Cette chanson fut incluse dans le programme holographique Dixon Hill. (TNG: "Manhunt")
  • "Let's Get Away from it All" was a popular musical recording from North America on Earth in 1941. In the 24th century the song was included as part of the programming for the Dixon Hill holonovels which were based on the novels of the same name and set in San Francisco during that time period. (TNG: "Manhunt" )
  • Let's Get Away from It All is a American song. The song played during the Dixon Hill holoprogram. (TNG episode: "Manhunt") In 2376, Vic Fontaine sang Let's Get Away from It All for Quark and Ro Laren. VIc mentioned that Frank Sinatra had made the tune famous. (DS9 - Mission Gamma novel: Cathedral)
  • "Let's Get Away from it All" est une chanson populaire composée en 1941 sur Terre. (Réalité extrapolée *) Cette chanson fut incluse dans le programme holographique Dixon Hill. (TNG: "Manhunt")
  • "Let's Get Away from it All" was a popular musical recording from North America on Earth in 1941. In the 24th century the song was included as part of the programming for the Dixon Hill holonovels which were based on the novels of the same name and set in San Francisco during that time period. (TNG: "Manhunt" )
  • Let's Get Away from It All is a American song. The song played during the Dixon Hill holoprogram. (TNG episode: "Manhunt") In 2376, Vic Fontaine sang Let's Get Away from It All for Quark and Ro Laren. VIc mentioned that Frank Sinatra had made the tune famous. (DS9 - Mission Gamma novel: Cathedral)