  • Kenichi Ryuzaki/Abilities and Powers
  • Despite his pretty Boy appearance, Kenichi is a remarkably powerful combatant. His prowess has been recognized all through-out the west Blue as one of the best to ever come from their. While a firm promoter of Revolutionary Army and as well-known for his specializing of Unpredictably-style forms in combat, Kenichi can demonstrate great destructive power when provoked. In all the fights he has been seen in other than with the higher marines and Pirate's, he has yet to take any serious injuries, often stopping just in time to inflict as little harm as possible to his opponent just to make them go all out.
  • Despite his pretty Boy appearance, Kenichi is a remarkably powerful combatant. His prowess has been recognized all through-out the west Blue as one of the best to ever come from their. While a firm promoter of Revolutionary Army and as well-known for his specializing of Unpredictably-style forms in combat, Kenichi can demonstrate great destructive power when provoked. In all the fights he has been seen in other than with the higher marines and Pirate's, he has yet to take any serious injuries, often stopping just in time to inflict as little harm as possible to his opponent just to make them go all out. Even against other monster-class opponents, he has been able to defeat his opponent without much effort. When fighting full-out, he has repeatedly held back by Strength to make the fight last longer. The best example of his overall prowess was shown from his brief struggles with Admiral Kizaru and Akainu, both being high rank and strong members of the Marine. As a result of the brief fight, Akainu was so impressed with Kenichi's skill that he actively seeks a battle to the death with him. He has remarkable mastery of all forms of weapon combat. Even when wielding dull utensils such as wooden spoons, his attacks have shown potentially lethal might behind them. In all the fights he has been in, he has yet to be seen receiving any major injuries even against other master-class weapon-users. He is capable of throwing kicks so fast that even cameras slowed down to 1/1000 of a second can only barely catch a glimpse of them. He can move fast enough to literally run on water. Kenichi has never explicitly stated what Fighting style he follows, but it can be assumed by his extensive knowledge of Different styles that he knows just about every martial art in existence, or is at the very least familiar with them, and combines all of them to form his own fighting style. Because of this Kei, or anyone that has met him except Akira, believes he is not human. The true exent of his skill is yet to be seen, yet in each confrontation with any High Rank/Strong Marine and Pirate, he has maintained a calm and detatched demeanor, able to fight on equal ground with him while spliting his attention or completely overwhelming them once getting serious. Like all Devil Fruit users, Kenichi cannot swim. However, unlike other Devil Fruit users, he doesn't avoid Contact water and will even jump into water if it means pissing off the WorldGovernment Who try to catch him.