  • Falco Lombardi
  • Falco Lombardi
  • Falco Lombardi
  • Falco Lombardi
  • Falco lombardi
  • Falco Lombardi (ファルコ・ランバルディ Faruko Ranbarudi?) is one of the main characters of the Star Fox series. He is a member of Star Fox, and has been with Fox and crew since their debut on the first Star Fox game for the SNES. He is considered the finest pilot of the group, and is well known for his arrogant personality.
  • Falco Lombardi is a member of an avian race and ace pilot of the Star Fox team. He is also a good friend and friendly rival to Fox McCloud. Falco has appeared alongside his wingmates in every Star Fox game to date, and usually retains his brash, cool, and collected behavior. Although he's an ace pilot, Falco is sometimes caught in situations in which he cannot escape, and must rely on Fox for assistance. Since Star Fox 64, Falco has starred in his own manga, which centers on events happening between Star Fox 64 and Star Fox Adventures.
  • Falco Lombardi (ファルコ・ランバルディ Faruko Ranbarudi?) è uno dei personaggi principali della serie di Star Fox. Uccello antropomorfo dalle piume blu e rosse, Falco è un pilota provetto, membro del Team Star Fox. Migliore amico di Fox McCloud, ha un carattere arrogante e superbo, ma si rivela essere un grande compagno di squadra. Il suo abbigliamento in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, è una versione modificata del suo abbigliamento tradizionale, che richiama alcuni elementi di Star Fox Command, come l'elmetto.
  • "A Crack in Time"
  • Falco Lombardi is a pilot on the Victoria II. He's rather grumpy, but cares deeply for his crewmates. No, really. __TOC__
  • Falco Lombardi (ファルコ・ランバルディ Faruko Ranbarudi) is an expert pilot of the Star Fox team, and a good friend of Fox. Falco Lombardi is often cocky and smart-mouthed.
  • only real weakness is being hot headed & cocky.
  • His only major role in the game was to supply Fox McCloud with additional ammo and other such supplies during his final battle with Andross. After the battle, Falco rejoins the team and witnesses Krystal joining as well.
  • Falco Lombardi (Faruko Ranbarudi) is a fictional character in Nintendo's Star Fox franchise. He is an expert pilot on the Star Fox team and a good friend of Fox.
  • Falco Lombardi (ファルコ・ランバルディ, Faruko Ranbarudi) is an anthropomorphic member of an avian race and ace pilot of the Star Fox team. He is also a good friend and friendly rival to Fox McCloud. Falco has appeared alongside his wingmates in every Star Fox game to date, and usually retains his brash, cool, and collected behavior. Although the ace pilot, Falco is sometimes caught in situations in which he cannot escape, and must rely on Fox for assistance. Since Star Fox 64, Falco has starred in his own manga, which centers on events happening between Star Fox 64 and Star Fox Adventures.
  • Falco Lombardi (ファルコ・ランバルディ, Faruko Ranbarudi) is a member of the Star Fox team and a friendly rival of Fox. He is an expert pilot and he often leaves the team due to boredom or tiredness. He appears in Super Smash Flash 2 as a playable character.
  • Falco Lombardi is the ace pilot of Star Fox team. He also acts like a second in command to Fox McCloud. He helps Star Fox to defeat Andross and Venomian Army. Falco resembles some variety of falcon, and his English name comes from the name of the falcon genus. At the time of Star Fox 64, Falco Lombardi was 19 years old. Falco started as the head of a galactic gang, and possesses an uncooperative attitude, though he is devoted to the pilots he flies with. Falco is one of the most respected and skilled pilots of the Star Fox Team. His personality consists of a brash, overconfident cockiness. He is further described as "brash". Falco has incredible nerves, and can accurately predict the tide of battle.
  • In vielen Star Fox-Spielen tritt er als ein Hauptantagonist von auf, die aber weiter in dem Star Fox-Wiki erläutert werden.
  • Falco Lombardi es un personaje perteneciente a la serie Star Fox.
  • Falco Lombardi (ファルコ・ランバルディ, Faruko Ranbarudi) ist einer der Hauptcharaktere aus Star Fox. Er ist der Spitzenpilot des Star Fox-Team. Außerdem ist er ein guter Freund sowie Rivale von Fox. Er war zusammen mit Fox und Slippy auf der Akademie. Falco zeigt ein freches und cooles Verhalten, doch manchmal ist der Spitzpilot auch auf Fox´ Hilfe angewiesen. Sein Erzfeind ist Leon Powalski.
  • Primera aparición Primera aparición Última aparición Última aparición Última aparición Juego/s Juego/s Género Género Especie Especie Vivienda Vivienda Vivienda Galaxia Rey HP PC Nivel Estrella Ataque Defensa Ataque mágico Defensa mágica Localización Monedas Experiencia Ataques Ataques Poderes Habilidades Puntos de resistencia Ataques especiales Punto débil Enemigos Item/s Item de Yoshi Falco Lombardi (ファルコ・ランバルディ Faruko Ranbarudi lit. Falco Lombardi en japonés) es uno de los personajes principales de la serie Star Fox. Es miembro del equipo Star Fox desde su debut en Star Fox para Super Nintendo. Se le considera el mejor piloto del grupo y es conocido por su personalidad arrogante. Falco aparece como personaje seleccionable secreto en Super Smash Bros. Melee, siendo un "clon" de Fox, aunqu
  • Falco often joins and leaves the Star Fox team throughout the series of games and is seen as somewhat of a sidekick to Fox as they are very close. After Star Fox 64, Falco leaves the team, because of boredom and tiredness (though also because of the events of Star Fox: Farewell, Beloved Falco, see below.), but returns at the end of Star Fox Adventures. During the final battle against Andross in Adventures, Falco comes to Fox's rescue. Leon Powalski of the Star Wolf team is considered to be his rival. Two exceptional Falco users on NR would be Ivan209 and Shambuu.
  • Falco Lombardi is one of the protagonists in the Star Fox series. He's best known for having a blunt attitude towards his teammates and joining Fox McCloud, Peppy Hare, and Slippy Toad in the quest to destroy Andross. After appearances in Star Fox and Star Fox 64, Falco appeared in Super Smash Bros. Melee and Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Falco finally got into the Summer 2008 Contest, where he and Vincent Valentine defeated GlaDOS and Wander in the first round. He then finished last against Vincent, Gordon Freeman, and Scorpion.
First game
  • Super Smash Bros. Melee
  • Good
Empresa creadora
  • Nintendo
Gastcharakter aus
  • Star Fox
  • Super Smash Bros. Melee
  • Super Smash Bros. Brawl
  • Star Fox
  • Star Fox 2
  • Star Fox 64
  • Star Fox Command
  • Star Fox: Assault
  • Star Fox Adventures
striking strength
  • Wall
Primera aparición
  • 180
  • * Star Fox-Serie:
  • Star Fox * Super Smash Bros.-Serie: Super Smash Bros. Meele
  • 1,88 M
  • Grün
  • 12
main colors
  • Blue and Gray
  • Männlich
  • Protagonist
  • Wall, with Arwing Large Building
strength lifting
  • Peak human
  • * Star Fox-Serie:
  • Star Fox Zero * Super Smash Bros.-Serie: Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U
  • Fox McCloud, Slippy Toad
última Aparición
  • 180
  • high
  • High Average level
  • Masculino
  • Star Fox
  • Falco in Super Smash Bros. Brawl
  • 6
  • #D3D3D3
  • Falco Lombardi, the Ace Pilot of Team Star Fox.
  • Black
  • Melee to Long
  • Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Latest Appearance
  • Super Smash Bros.Duel
  • Corneria
  • Super Smash Flash 2
  • Falco
  • Falco Lombardi
  • Ivonan Navy
  • Star Fox
  • Twenty-seven
  • age 30
  • Superhuman, in arwing Massively Faster Than Light
  • Hero
First Appearance
  • Star Fox
  • Falco Lombardi
  • Falco Lombardi
  • Major Falco Lombardi
  • Character
  • Falcon
  • 60
  • Doesn't want another damn promotion
  • Official artwork of Falco from Star Fox 64 3D
  • Falco as he appears in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U
  • Allies: Star Fox team
Prima Apparizione
  • SSBB
  • SSBM
A little miscellaneous section for you. Feel free to use as you wish.
  • --03-29
Copy and paste your rumor mill information here.
  • PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE: Grew up poor in the town of Solare. Went to the military academy in Bellicus at sixteen. Currently one of the top Ivonan pilots in the navy. Known for his less-than-stellar obedience. SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE: When Falco was thirteen, he ran away from home and joined a gang. He got into fistfights almost daily. For a gang member, Falco was relatively tame. His life changed the day he tried to rob a demihuman named James McCloud three years after running away from home. Falco, to put it nicely, got his ass handed to him. After some soul searching/bonding, it was McCloud who helped Falco get to Bellicus. James McCloud is now missing, last seen going into the Badlands. All this isn't exactly hidden information, it's just that Falco never talks about it. POP CULTURE PHENOMENON?: Known in the military for his spectacular piloting skills. And his tendency to not obey orders.
  • 250
  • Falco's first line in Star Fox 64
  • #696969
  • 2
  • Avian
  • Falco Lombardi
  • C
  • 15
  • Gallery
  • Games
  • General
  • Characteristics
  • Star Fox
  • 200
  • Falco SSB4.png
  • 19
  • Bird, Star Fox team Ace Pilot
  • Mark Lund
  • (*In-ship conversation only)
  • Ben Cullum ***
  • Bill Johns Ben Cullum Mike Madeoy Dex Manley
  • Dex Manley *
  • The Victoria II
  • Male
  • Demihuman - Humanoid Avian
  • Pilot
  • Falke
  • Falco here. I’m fine.
  • 250
  • Größtenteils blau
Nome Completo
  • Star Fox
striking speed
  • Peak to low Superhuman
  • Blau
Ultima apparizione
  • Shigeru Miyamoto
  • Takaya Imamura
  • Star Fox
reaction speed
  • Hypersonic+, in arwing Massively Faster Than Light
destructive capacity
  • Wall, with Arwing Large Building
You may use this section to link to important logs, comment threads, etc.
  • Looks better from far away - Falco seeing the Victoria II for the first time Checkup - Falco visits the infirmary and develops a healthy fear of the Victoria II's doctors Bird meets cat - Falco meets Garfield Tabbis Saying thanks - Falco meets Hijikata Toshirou in person for the first time to thank him for answering his question. Zombie Apocalypse - Zombies have the town of Clairborne under siege Crap, I got promoted - The promotional celebration
Copy and paste your character's personality section here.
  • Falco is brash, aggressive, prideful, and arrogant, all personality traits that he developed in order to survive. A former delinquent, Falco has issues with authority and being a subordinate. While he won't directly disobey orders, he may not do exactly what is told, especially if he thinks his way is better. However, he has no desire to rise up in the ranks, perfectly content where he is as he'd rather not be the one who has to deal with the hassle of issuing orders. Falco simply likes doing things his way, which is, often, the better way. Had his choices in life been different, he may have turned out a different person, evidenced by the less obvious features of his character. Although he was always surrounded by people, Falco was alone for most of his life. He had to develop a fierce, strong personality in order to cope with his harsh environment, but since he joined the military, a few hidden sides have begun to show. Albeit one must look hard to spot them. He may not say it or express it at all, Falco deeply appreciates any and all support his fellow crew members give him. He considers them his makeshift family and while he is mean, rude, and conscending to them, he is also entirely loyal and willing to lend a listening ear and some crudely worded advice if asked. Falco speaks often of leaving the military, but the truth is that while he dislikes the structure and rigidness of military life, it is the only family he has, and his attachment to the people he knows and works with is so strong that should he ever leave, he would always eventually return.
Copy and paste your character's history section here.
  • Falco has not had what one would call a wonderful life. He was born in the Ivonan city of Solare, a city that has seen much better days. Falco, from a very young age, had always known that he was different from others. It was kind of obvious, really. That didn't bother Falco. What bothered him was that he seemed to be stuck between two places: being human and being a bird. He would often spend his childhood watching birds in the sky, painfully aware that his own wings can't do what theirs could. Falco wanted, more than anything else in the world, to fly. His parents told him to forget about it. They were not abusive or neglectful, they merely wanted their son to have a more realistic view of the world. After all, they were a poor family, and a family needed to eat. So Falco grudgingly stopped talking about the sky with them. But he never gave up on his dream. So, realizing that his life was going nowhere fast, at the age of thirteen, he ran away from home. But being just a young teen, Falco had no direction, nowhere to go. He ended up in a street gang, getting into fights, mugging for the gang leaders, and crashing at friends' houses for the night. He didn't like this life one bit, but he accepted it, though not without complaint. thumb|left|James McCloudOne day, when Falco was sixteen, he attempted to mug another demihuman, the fox James McCloud. What was supposed to be a routine petty crime turned into a vicious fistfight with James emerging triumphant. Instead of having Falco arrested, however, James, sensing the teenager's discontent, asked the misguided youth what he wanted to do with his life. Before he knew what he was doing, Falco was telling James everything. Unlike his parents, James encouraged Falco to follow his dreams. Falco promptly fought his way out of Solare's gang world and hitched a ride to Bellcius, where he enrolled into the military flight school under James' support. Because of his rebellious nature, the military way did not suit Falco very well. He often got into trouble for insubordination and came very close to being expelled several times. His one saving grace, however, was his exceptional natural skill and devotion to flying. There was no way the Ivonian military was going to let such raw talent go to waste. So they were a bit more lenient with him, and Falco honestly did his best to stay in, as this was his only ticket to the sky. Falco graduated near the top of his class and he was promptly assigned to the Victoria II, where the higher ups felt that Admiral von Karma could tame him. the man would be furious if such a talented pilot was NOT on his ship. So far, it's kind of working. In order to stay on the Victoria II, Falco is willing to listen to the Admiral's every order. But anyone else? Including the first mate? Hell no. Back in Solare, Falco's parents believed their son died years ago and have stopped searching from him.
You may use this section to outline your character's relationships with others.
  • ===Manfred von Karma=== Falco is completely loyal to his captain, Manfred von Karma. However, this does not mean he always agrees with what von Karma has to say or orders. Falco sees von Karma as a surrogate leader figure in his life and thus willingly devotes himself to the captain's orders...most of the time. Hijikata Toshirou Hijikata Toshirou is the only person Falco can truly call a friend on the Victoria II. Falco first started to respect Hijikata when the man told him how much it would cost to send flowers to Solare. The two of them bonded over alcohol, similar pasts, and the fact that they don't drive each other crazy. Hijikata is the only person on the Victoria II that Falco will follow the orders of one hundred percent, a special privilege that has been granted to only one other person: James McCloud. Jade Curtiss It's not that Falco and Jade have a friendship, but more that Falco is somewhat afraid of Doctor Curtiss and will avoid him whenever possible.
Insert a little blurb about your character here.
  • Falco Lombardi is a pilot on the Victoria II. He's rather grumpy, but cares deeply for his crewmates. No, really.
  • Falco Lombardi (ファルコ・ランバルディ Faruko Ranbarudi?) is one of the main characters of the Star Fox series. He is a member of Star Fox, and has been with Fox and crew since their debut on the first Star Fox game for the SNES. He is considered the finest pilot of the group, and is well known for his arrogant personality.
  • Falco Lombardi is a member of an avian race and ace pilot of the Star Fox team. He is also a good friend and friendly rival to Fox McCloud. Falco has appeared alongside his wingmates in every Star Fox game to date, and usually retains his brash, cool, and collected behavior. Although he's an ace pilot, Falco is sometimes caught in situations in which he cannot escape, and must rely on Fox for assistance. Since Star Fox 64, Falco has starred in his own manga, which centers on events happening between Star Fox 64 and Star Fox Adventures.
  • Falco Lombardi (ファルコ・ランバルディ Faruko Ranbarudi?) è uno dei personaggi principali della serie di Star Fox. Uccello antropomorfo dalle piume blu e rosse, Falco è un pilota provetto, membro del Team Star Fox. Migliore amico di Fox McCloud, ha un carattere arrogante e superbo, ma si rivela essere un grande compagno di squadra. Il suo abbigliamento in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, è una versione modificata del suo abbigliamento tradizionale, che richiama alcuni elementi di Star Fox Command, come l'elmetto.
  • "A Crack in Time"
  • Falco Lombardi is a pilot on the Victoria II. He's rather grumpy, but cares deeply for his crewmates. No, really. __TOC__
  • Falco Lombardi (ファルコ・ランバルディ Faruko Ranbarudi) is an expert pilot of the Star Fox team, and a good friend of Fox. Falco Lombardi is often cocky and smart-mouthed.
  • only real weakness is being hot headed & cocky.
  • Primera aparición Primera aparición Última aparición Última aparición Última aparición Juego/s Juego/s Género Género Especie Especie Vivienda Vivienda Vivienda Galaxia Rey HP PC Nivel Estrella Ataque Defensa Ataque mágico Defensa mágica Localización Monedas Experiencia Ataques Ataques Poderes Habilidades Puntos de resistencia Ataques especiales Punto débil Enemigos Item/s Item de Yoshi Falco Lombardi (ファルコ・ランバルディ Faruko Ranbarudi lit. Falco Lombardi en japonés) es uno de los personajes principales de la serie Star Fox. Es miembro del equipo Star Fox desde su debut en Star Fox para Super Nintendo. Se le considera el mejor piloto del grupo y es conocido por su personalidad arrogante. Falco aparece como personaje seleccionable secreto en Super Smash Bros. Melee, siendo un "clon" de Fox, aunque con ciertas diferencias. Vuelve a aparecer en Super Smash Bros. Brawl siendo ya un veterano, además de dejar de ser un clon de Fox, aunque compartiendo varias semejanzas aún.
  • His only major role in the game was to supply Fox McCloud with additional ammo and other such supplies during his final battle with Andross. After the battle, Falco rejoins the team and witnesses Krystal joining as well.
  • Falco Lombardi (Faruko Ranbarudi) is a fictional character in Nintendo's Star Fox franchise. He is an expert pilot on the Star Fox team and a good friend of Fox.
  • Falco Lombardi (ファルコ・ランバルディ, Faruko Ranbarudi) is an anthropomorphic member of an avian race and ace pilot of the Star Fox team. He is also a good friend and friendly rival to Fox McCloud. Falco has appeared alongside his wingmates in every Star Fox game to date, and usually retains his brash, cool, and collected behavior. Although the ace pilot, Falco is sometimes caught in situations in which he cannot escape, and must rely on Fox for assistance. Since Star Fox 64, Falco has starred in his own manga, which centers on events happening between Star Fox 64 and Star Fox Adventures.
  • Falco Lombardi (ファルコ・ランバルディ, Faruko Ranbarudi) ist einer der Hauptcharaktere aus Star Fox. Er ist der Spitzenpilot des Star Fox-Team. Außerdem ist er ein guter Freund sowie Rivale von Fox. Er war zusammen mit Fox und Slippy auf der Akademie. Falco zeigt ein freches und cooles Verhalten, doch manchmal ist der Spitzpilot auch auf Fox´ Hilfe angewiesen. Sein Erzfeind ist Leon Powalski. Falco ist ein Spitzenpilot mit bewegter Vergangenheit. Bevor er sein Freunden Fox und Slippy nach Papetoon folgte um gegen Andross Truppen zu kämpfen, war er, wie seine Freundin Katt Monroe, Gang-Mitglied in den verwahrlosten Gegenden der Cornerianischen Hauptstadt. Seine über alle Zweifel erhabenen Flugkünste und seine ganze Art lassen ihn oft ziemlich überheblich erscheinen. Nach einem Zwischenfall auf Titania, bei dem auch Katt eine Rolle spielte, verließ er das Star Fox-Team um erst wärend der Sauria-Krise wieder zum Team zurückzustoßen. Falco ist noch talentierter als Fox, was das Steuern von Kampfflugzeugen angeht. Zwar ist er manchmal recht barsch, aber sein auf dem Schlachtfeld des öfteren hervorbrechender Wagemut zeigt, wie sehr er Fox vertraut. Falco scheint sehr locker und entspannt zu sein, ist aber in Wirklichkeit ein echter Hitzkopf. Es heißt sogar, er sei einmal der Anführer einer Gruppe von Weltall-Hooligans, der sogenannten "Vogelfrei-Gang", gewesen.
  • Falco often joins and leaves the Star Fox team throughout the series of games and is seen as somewhat of a sidekick to Fox as they are very close. After Star Fox 64, Falco leaves the team, because of boredom and tiredness (though also because of the events of Star Fox: Farewell, Beloved Falco, see below.), but returns at the end of Star Fox Adventures. During the final battle against Andross in Adventures, Falco comes to Fox's rescue. Leon Powalski of the Star Wolf team is considered to be his rival. His long absence from the team is chronicled in the Nintendo comic Star Fox: Farewell, Beloved Falco, which was bundled with Star Fox Adventures in Japan.[citation needed] In this comic Falco gets a call for help from Katt so he heads out, and Fox follows soon after. At the end of the comic Falco decides to stay with Katt and Fox goes back to the rest of the team with out him. Falco has also appeared in Super Smash Bros. Melee and Super Smash Bros. Brawl as a playable character. In Super Smash Bros Brawl, Falco is another pretty powerful force. His speed, kick reflector, D-Throw Chain Grab and Stun Lasers make him a perfect candidate to overwhelm anyone in the right hands. His aerial game & ground game are top notch so you will want to be on guard in both scenarios. Two exceptional Falco users on NR would be Ivan209 and Shambuu.
  • Falco Lombardi (ファルコ・ランバルディ, Faruko Ranbarudi) is a member of the Star Fox team and a friendly rival of Fox. He is an expert pilot and he often leaves the team due to boredom or tiredness. He appears in Super Smash Flash 2 as a playable character.
  • Falco Lombardi is one of the protagonists in the Star Fox series. He's best known for having a blunt attitude towards his teammates and joining Fox McCloud, Peppy Hare, and Slippy Toad in the quest to destroy Andross. After appearances in Star Fox and Star Fox 64, Falco appeared in Super Smash Bros. Melee and Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Falco finally got into the Summer 2008 Contest, where he and Vincent Valentine defeated GlaDOS and Wander in the first round. He then finished last against Vincent, Gordon Freeman, and Scorpion. Falco got the last spot in the Winter 2010 Contest's vote-ins (28th out of 72), which earned him a 16 seed and a pounding at the hands of Mario.
  • Falco Lombardi is the ace pilot of Star Fox team. He also acts like a second in command to Fox McCloud. He helps Star Fox to defeat Andross and Venomian Army. Falco resembles some variety of falcon, and his English name comes from the name of the falcon genus. At the time of Star Fox 64, Falco Lombardi was 19 years old. Falco started as the head of a galactic gang, and possesses an uncooperative attitude, though he is devoted to the pilots he flies with. Falco is one of the most respected and skilled pilots of the Star Fox Team. His personality consists of a brash, overconfident cockiness. He is further described as "brash". Falco has incredible nerves, and can accurately predict the tide of battle.
  • In vielen Star Fox-Spielen tritt er als ein Hauptantagonist von auf, die aber weiter in dem Star Fox-Wiki erläutert werden.
  • Falco Lombardi es un personaje perteneciente a la serie Star Fox.
is Characters of
is Members of
is User of
is Leaders of