  • Polyalloy
  • Pollyalloy was a substance used in the construction of structures which needed to withstand extreme stress. Data's spinal support was made from pollyalloy. (TNG episode: "The Chase") In 2365, in response to a jibe by Katherine Pulaski Data paraphrased an old Earth saying; "Sticks and stones may break my polyalloy infrastructure, but words will never hurt me." (TNG - The Space Between comic: "Space Seeds")
  • A polyalloy is a material used in structures which need to withstand extreme stress. Data's upper spinal support was made from a polyalloy. (TNG: "The Chase" ) In 2372, an alien probe composed primarily of duritanium polyalloy was destroyed by the Cardassian ATR-4107. (VOY: "Dreadnought")
  • Pollyalloy was a substance used in the construction of structures which needed to withstand extreme stress. Data's spinal support was made from pollyalloy. (TNG episode: "The Chase") In 2365, in response to a jibe by Katherine Pulaski Data paraphrased an old Earth saying; "Sticks and stones may break my polyalloy infrastructure, but words will never hurt me." (TNG - The Space Between comic: "Space Seeds")
  • A polyalloy is a material used in structures which need to withstand extreme stress. Data's upper spinal support was made from a polyalloy. (TNG: "The Chase" ) In 2372, an alien probe composed primarily of duritanium polyalloy was destroyed by the Cardassian ATR-4107. (VOY: "Dreadnought")