  • Rachel Chong
  • Doctor Rachel Chong was a female human behaviorist who was employed at an undisclosed location on a backwater world. Dr. Chong and her associate Duane Lovitz worked with Camilla Sookanado to research into how "an alien mind thinks." Chong instructed Camilla to record her thoughts in a journal and gave her a plush toy cat to "hold on to for comfort." Chong and Lovitz were opposed to Camilla's imprisonment as they felt it was wrong to treat a sentient being as an animal to be studied. In 9 ABY, during the confusion caused by an incident that "threatened national security," Chong and Lovitz helped smuggle Camilla out of the facility and to her ship so she could escape. Chong and Lovitz were apprehended by officials afterward and presumably were executed by a shadow government.
  • Doctor Rachel Chong was a female human behaviorist who was employed at an undisclosed location on a backwater world. Dr. Chong and her associate Duane Lovitz worked with Camilla Sookanado to research into how "an alien mind thinks." Chong instructed Camilla to record her thoughts in a journal and gave her a plush toy cat to "hold on to for comfort." Chong and Lovitz were opposed to Camilla's imprisonment as they felt it was wrong to treat a sentient being as an animal to be studied. In 9 ABY, during the confusion caused by an incident that "threatened national security," Chong and Lovitz helped smuggle Camilla out of the facility and to her ship so she could escape. Chong and Lovitz were apprehended by officials afterward and presumably were executed by a shadow government.