  • Naboo Chromeship
  • Naboo Chromeships were large Chrome Ships, which were circular in shape, size, diameter and colour. Amusingly, they had poor shielding and no weaponry whatsoever because "it's not a warship", which means that they can't have any defensive measures whatsoever. One Naboo Security captain of unknown origin suggested at least putting fake lasers on the ships, to scare off attackers. The idea was promptly rejected and the captain was peacefully executed. Darth Darth Binks owned one at some point.
  • Naboo Chromeships were large Chrome Ships, which were circular in shape, size, diameter and colour. Amusingly, they had poor shielding and no weaponry whatsoever because "it's not a warship", which means that they can't have any defensive measures whatsoever. One Naboo Security captain of unknown origin suggested at least putting fake lasers on the ships, to scare off attackers. The idea was promptly rejected and the captain was peacefully executed. Darth Darth Binks owned one at some point. File:Wiki.pngThis article is a stub. You can help Darthipedia by expanding it. If you don't, we'll destroy your planet.