  • Superman and Paula Brown's New Snowsuit
  • The story takes place in the early days of World War II. The unnamed narrator is a happy and imaginative fifth grader who idolizes Superman and dreams of flying. After Paul Brown's birthday party and an incident involving her favorite present, however, the narrator finds her innocent fantasies lost forever – replaced by the harshness of the real world. "Superman and Paula Brown's New Snowsuit" is used as a text in English education.
  • The story takes place in the early days of World War II. The unnamed narrator is a happy and imaginative fifth grader who idolizes Superman and dreams of flying. After Paul Brown's birthday party and an incident involving her favorite present, however, the narrator finds her innocent fantasies lost forever – replaced by the harshness of the real world. "Superman and Paula Brown's New Snowsuit" is used as a text in English education.