  • The Ethernauts
  • The Ethernauts were a small group of humans that unified to combat the invading forces from The Void, led by Bayle. The word Ethernaut is derived from the Middle English word ether ("upper air", from the Latin aethēr) and -naut (voyager or traveler). Literally, Ethernaut translates to "voyager into upper air," or more specifically "voyager into the void."
  • The Ethernauts were a small group of humans that unified to combat the invading forces from The Void, led by Bayle. The word Ethernaut is derived from the Middle English word ether ("upper air", from the Latin aethēr) and -naut (voyager or traveler). Literally, Ethernaut translates to "voyager into upper air," or more specifically "voyager into the void."