  • Homosexual Army of Liberation
  • In the wake of the Stonewall rebellion, Shtubenbacher reasoned it would be possible to create - via assistance from leftist movements such as the Weather Underground, the Vietcong, and Soviet Union - an armed force of homosexual men. This army, he reasoned, could take over a region of northern California and encourage homosexual/bisexual/questioning men in the US military forces to turn against their superiors, thus creating a country wide "gay revolution" and eventually overthrowing the Nixon regime.
  • In the wake of the Stonewall rebellion, Shtubenbacher reasoned it would be possible to create - via assistance from leftist movements such as the Weather Underground, the Vietcong, and Soviet Union - an armed force of homosexual men. This army, he reasoned, could take over a region of northern California and encourage homosexual/bisexual/questioning men in the US military forces to turn against their superiors, thus creating a country wide "gay revolution" and eventually overthrowing the Nixon regime.