  • David Eels
  • David Eels is a character from the novel "Hottie" by Jonathan Bernstein, it's sequel Burning Ambition and the Fan Sequel Hottie 3: The Best Fan Fic in the World. David is a nerd and a superhero specialist, he was the one who helped Alison Cole become Hottie. He is also Hottie's sidekick and one of the founding members of the Department of Hotness. David once had a crush on Hottie. In Burning Ambtion, David was involved in a love triangle between Kellyn Levy and Dorinda Galen who both had a crush on him. In Hottie 3, David has his own Lagann that merges with the King Kittan Deluxe Mk-II to form the Super King Kittan Deluxe.
  • David Eels is a character from the novel "Hottie" by Jonathan Bernstein, it's sequel Burning Ambition and the Fan Sequel Hottie 3: The Best Fan Fic in the World. David is a nerd and a superhero specialist, he was the one who helped Alison Cole become Hottie. He is also Hottie's sidekick and one of the founding members of the Department of Hotness. David once had a crush on Hottie. In Burning Ambtion, David was involved in a love triangle between Kellyn Levy and Dorinda Galen who both had a crush on him. In Hottie 3, David has his own Lagann that merges with the King Kittan Deluxe Mk-II to form the Super King Kittan Deluxe.