  • Ohma
  • This weapon deals damage. * Highest base damage of all . * High damage – effective against Robotics. * is a versatile damage type, and can be combined to create , , and damage. * Highest slide damage of all melee weapons. * High status chance. * Good critical chance. * Comes with innate and polarity slots. * Stance slot has polarity, matches Sovereign Outcast. * damage suffers penalties against Alloy Armor. * Damage cannot be increased with , or mods.
  • This weapon deals damage. * Highest base damage of all . * High damage – effective against Robotics. * is a versatile damage type, and can be combined to create , , and damage. * Highest slide damage of all melee weapons. * High status chance. * Good critical chance. * Comes with innate and polarity slots. * Stance slot has polarity, matches Sovereign Outcast. * damage suffers penalties against Alloy Armor. * Damage cannot be increased with , or mods.
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