  • Onomatopoeia
  • Onomatopoeia
  • Onomatopoeia
  • Onomatopoeia ist eine Comic-Geschichte von Dan McDaid, die erstmals im Oktober 2009 im Doctor Who Magazine erschien.
  • File:Onomatopoeia rar.gif Write the text of your article here!
  • Onomatopoeia is a DC Comics supervillain who has faced Green Arrow. He first appeared in Green Arrow #11 (February 2002). He was created by Kevin Smith and Phil Hester.
  • Onomatopoeia is a woman who can make sounds she writes so others can hear them. Metria mentioned her as part of Kody's challenge to get into the Good Magician's Castle. Other people mentioned by Metria were Philip, Nora Nosnoora, and I M Bigbucks.
  • Onomatopoeias and various sound effects are what many conservative rednecks and country bumpkins use when telling their latest hunting stories or attempting to make a joke. It isn't their fault though, most conservatives are born with no sense of humor and those who are have very bad ones.
  • Onomatopoeia is a Doctor Who comic strip. It has been printed through various publications.
  • Le Docteur et Majenta Pryce se retrouvent sur une planète où le dialogue ne s'effectue plus sauf pour quelques onomatopés.
  • Onomatopoeia is a serial killer who targets non-powered, vigilante superheroes. He earned his name because he imitates noises around him, such as dripping taps, gunshots etc. It seems that he may be able to perfectly imitate these sounds but that has been left ambiguous. He invariably carries two semiautomatic handguns, and army knife, and is a skilled unarmed combatant.
  • Sorry, they say that is gained from living through the autumn years... Onomatopoeia is a word that SPLOSH!!! Christ, there goes my drink, all over my desk. Let me just clean this up SQUISH! SQUISH! SQUISH! Right, what was I saying? Oh, right, the onomatopoeia. Ugly word, isn't it? Onomatopoeia is a word that resembles the sound that it is intended to ...................FFFFFOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!! Whatta... Damn truck, how can I write this with such noise? One second, stay right there, let me just close my window. CLANK!!! Okay, no interruptions now. Oooooof! POWPOWPOWPOWPOWPOWPOW! THWIP! Image:Pow!.png
  • The Deep Hereafter
Battle Start
  • After them with a swoosh!
  • 2750
  • 2887
  • 3025
skill lv
  • All allies ATK 25% up / 10% chance
  • All allies ATK 25% up / 5% chance
  • 3
  • 2850
  • 2992
  • 3135
friendship max
  • It's going lub-dub, lub-dub♪
  • My heart is thump thumping
  • Ghosts of the Northern Line
friendship event
  • I would be like whoosh
  • It other words our hearts
  • and you would be like boing!
  • would be pound pound pounding!
battle end
  • Oh, we lost...
  • R
  • Tom Spilsbury et Scott Gray
  • I was just staring into space
  • Master didn't come so
  • 3
  • 4
  • Light
  • 1436784
  • 2007-01-14
  • Green Arrow #11
  • Onomatopoeia
  • unbekannt
  • Oktober 2009
  • im DWM
Date de publication
  • 2009-10-14
Publié dans
Character Name
  • Onomatopoeia
  • I'm Onomatapee♪
  • Tadah! Ring-a-ding-ding!?
  • 2800
  • 2940
  • 3080
  • Voice Freezer
Real Name
  • Unknown
  • A girl who appears with a lively fanfare. Her words store energy and give power.
  • Bande-dessinée, 10 pages
  • 28
  • 34
  • 37
  • Let's set off on an exciting adventure!
  • Onomatopoeia
  • Onomatopoeia.jpg
wikipage disambiguates
  • Mike Collins et David A Roach
  • Sorry, they say that is gained from living through the autumn years... Onomatopoeia is a word that SPLOSH!!! Christ, there goes my drink, all over my desk. Let me just clean this up SQUISH! SQUISH! SQUISH! Right, what was I saying? Oh, right, the onomatopoeia. Ugly word, isn't it? Onomatopoeia is a word that resembles the sound that it is intended to ...................FFFFFOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!! Whatta... Damn truck, how can I write this with such noise? One second, stay right there, let me just close my window. CLANK!!! Okay, no interruptions now. I said "represent", okay? ONOMATOPOEIA IS A WORD THAT RESEMBLES THE SOUND THAT IT IS INTENDED TO REPRESENT! Oooooof! Sorry I get a bit over excited at times, but anyway, I've made it! The introduction is over. Now let's talk about POWPOWPOWPOWPOWPOWPOW! POW? What the hell is going on?! Did New Year's Eve come early this year or something? There's too much excitement out on the streets. Whatever, they should be testing the fireworks. WOOF! WOOF! WOOF! WOOF! WOOF! Ambrosius! Shut up! Stupid dog, afraid of fireworks... All right, this reminds me of the next subject. One interesting thing about onomatopoeia is that these words are written in different ways for different languages. For instance, this dog of mine is not so stupid as you may think. Ambrosius, can you please bark in Korean? MEONG! MEONG! MEONG! See? Funny, isn't it? You may think it's disgusting to eat a dog that woofs but I guess a dog that meongs is pretty yummy, don't think so, Ambrosius? OOWNNN! OOWNNNN! OOWNNNN! Ha ha ha, I was just kidding, silly doggy. SCHLEP! SCHLEP! SCHLEP! Oh, great, now the keyboard is flooded with dog dribble. Let's get rid of this mess quick. Okay, where was I? Oh, of course, the comics! THWIP! Spider-Man! No, no, no, no, no, Parker, please, get out! You're adding an undesired effect of random humor to my article, okay? Nice, you're very polite, I don't want to even think what would have happened if it was Wolverine instead. Okay, yes, comic books use this stuff, but you will never see the word "onomatopoeia" in any of them, hope you understand why. Well, maybe that snob hippie smart-ass Allan Moore could write it - and, for instance, he never uses any onomatopoeia in his oh-so-graphic-novels. Now let's see, what more could I say? Hmmm... Oh, hmmm, and oh are also cases of onomatopoeia but the word "onomatopoeia" itself is not onomatopoeia. That's a little uncreative, don't you think so? How onomatopoeia should be spelled as in an onomatopoeic way? clickclickclick the sound of its being typed? But when you say it, how would you represent the sound of the sound being spoken?... Ah, now I'm getting confused. Now to the practical examples: Image:Nuclear explosion ar.jpg What? Were you waiting for something along with this nuke explosion? Mental onomatopoeia, that's the word, unsophisticated dimwit. Too much abstract for you, ain't it? Alright, alright, I concede it. Here it goes: Image:Pow!.png Too late? Don't you know the sound comes after the light? You would hear the nuke exploding several seconds after the flash. Gosh, I have to explain everything... Okay, okay, let's try it with synchronized sound. For your pleasure, I've prepared a booze of onomatopoeia. First round: So, you already knew that one? Congrats, pal, I supposed that thing above was completely obscure... Round two of two then. From the renowned linguist Julius Larossa, his PhD thesis on musical usage of onomatopoeia. There it is: Thank you for reading and watching..... CRASH! (damn door.) File:Ninjastar.png
  • Onomatopoeia ist eine Comic-Geschichte von Dan McDaid, die erstmals im Oktober 2009 im Doctor Who Magazine erschien.
  • File:Onomatopoeia rar.gif Write the text of your article here!
  • Onomatopoeia is a serial killer who targets non-powered, vigilante superheroes. He earned his name because he imitates noises around him, such as dripping taps, gunshots etc. It seems that he may be able to perfectly imitate these sounds but that has been left ambiguous. He invariably carries two semiautomatic handguns, and army knife, and is a skilled unarmed combatant. He once stated his nickname to one of his victims, Virago after he shot and killed her. This was the only time he has been seen speaking normally. He dresses all in black with black gloves and wears a full, black hood decorated by concentric white circles. One of his notable targets was Connor Hawke, the second Green Arrow. He shot Connor, who was saved by his father Oliver Queen (the first and original Green Arrow). While Connor was being operated on in the hospital, Onomatopoeia returned to finish the job, but was stopped by Queen and Black Canary. He managed to escape and remains at large. During the Infinite Crisis, Onomatopoeia was recruited by the Secret Society of Super-Villains. He took part in the Battle of Metropolis, where he fought against the Odd Man. Amanda Waller and Atom Smasher considered him for membership in the Suicide Squad to be sent out against the Black Marvel Family, showing that the government is aware of his activities. Onomatopoeia later assisted the Joker in escaping from Arkham Asylum as bait for the Batman. In the process, he shot Deadshot in the head from point blank range, but overlooked Deadshot's ability to play dead. Onomatopoeia paid the Joker to start a gang war with Maxie Zeus, who had begun to sell a drug named "chuckles", which was made by using Joker Venom. Onomatopoeia eventually faced the Batman in a hand-to-hand fight and lost. In order to escape, he stabbed the Joker in the heart to force the Batman to choose between capturing him or saving the Joker. Batman decided to save the Joker's life, allowing Onomatopoeia to flee. Following his escape from Batman, Onomatopoeia would again re-encountered the vigilante when masqueraded as a new vigilante named "Baphomet". He made his alias known by aiding Batman in taking down the demon Etrigan, by throwing a bucket of holy water on the demon. He again shows up to help the Batman in stopping Fun Land, a criminal notorious for kidnapping young girls. Once more, he appears as "Baphomet" to aid Batman in stopping Black Spider, afterwards he and Batman finally engage in a conversation. Telling the Batman that he wasn't a Gotham City native, and informed him of his alias. Batman gave "Baphomet" his blessing to fight crime in Gotham City, as long as he doesn't kill anyone. After working together for a few weeks, "Baphomet" took Batman by surprise when he removed his mask in front of him. Believing that involves a higher level of commitment, Batman disappeared on "Baphomet". Later, "Baphomet" filled in for Batman, along with Robin, while Bruce vacationed in Aspen with Silver St. Cloud. After capturing Mr. Freeze, he removed his mask in front of Robin, surprising him. Days after single-handedly stopping the Joker, he changed into civilian clothes and walked home. He noticed the Batman was following him and told him that he was married, has two children (a boy and a girl), is an insurance adjuster from Delaware, moved to Gotham City before his first child was born, and began to fight crime after his brother Jerry was killed by a masked criminal. After explaining that he just wants to clean the city for decent people, he began to cry and received a hug from the Batman. Batman soon begins to confide in "Baphomet", even confessing to having a bladder spasm after an explosion went off too close to him during his first year as Batman. Batman begins to trust "Baphomet" enough to take him to the Batcave, where he introduces him to Silver St. Cloud. Batman proceeds to remove his own mask, revealing his identity. As Batman turns his back, Onomatopoeia reveals himself by speaking "Ka-Klak" (the sound that Bruce made when placing his utility belt on a table) as he slit Silver St. Cloud's throat.
  • Onomatopoeia is a DC Comics supervillain who has faced Green Arrow. He first appeared in Green Arrow #11 (February 2002). He was created by Kevin Smith and Phil Hester.
  • Onomatopoeia is a woman who can make sounds she writes so others can hear them. Metria mentioned her as part of Kody's challenge to get into the Good Magician's Castle. Other people mentioned by Metria were Philip, Nora Nosnoora, and I M Bigbucks.
  • Onomatopoeias and various sound effects are what many conservative rednecks and country bumpkins use when telling their latest hunting stories or attempting to make a joke. It isn't their fault though, most conservatives are born with no sense of humor and those who are have very bad ones.
  • Onomatopoeia is a Doctor Who comic strip. It has been printed through various publications.
  • Le Docteur et Majenta Pryce se retrouvent sur une planète où le dialogue ne s'effectue plus sauf pour quelques onomatopés.
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