  • Driveway Pong (deleted 15 Jun 2008 at 16:18)
  • Driveway Pong Driveway Pong is a game played by high school students hanging out at their friends house. Alan, Dan, Drew, Ross and Ryan where just hanging out on Dan's drive way drinking soda when, they wanted to play soda pong. They did not have cups and ping pong balls, so they decided to try and hit the cans of soda they had with whiffle balls. It worked out quite well. So the called it "Driveway Pong" since they played it on the drive way.
  • 15
  • June
  • 253.0
  • 20080615041310
  • 2008
  • Driveway Pong Driveway Pong is a game played by high school students hanging out at their friends house. Alan, Dan, Drew, Ross and Ryan where just hanging out on Dan's drive way drinking soda when, they wanted to play soda pong. They did not have cups and ping pong balls, so they decided to try and hit the cans of soda they had with whiffle balls. It worked out quite well. So the called it "Driveway Pong" since they played it on the drive way. Rules: They rules to Driveway Pong are very similar to soda or beer pong. Although the game is not played on a table, the concepts are similar. One team of players sets up 3 or 6 cans of soda in a bowling ping arrangement, the other team sets their sodas up 15 feet away facing their opponents sodas. Once that is done then there is a coin toss of who will go first. Each player of the team is allowed one throw of the whiffle ball per turn. If the whiffle ball hits or knocks over one of the cans, that team must drink that can. Bounce shots are allowed to be blocked, but if not blocked then results in the team having to drink two of the cans. If you knock down one of your own cans you automatically lose the game. Once all of the cans for one team are gone, then that team will have 2 redemption shots per teammate. Teams are only allowed two players. If a redemption shot is made, then both teams will set up all cans again and play till someone loses.