  • The Joker (Cesar Romero)
  • The Joker is an infamous arch-nemesis of Batman. He is his greatest enemy and one of his most dangerous foes. His abilities as a master conjurer allow him to effortlessly escape from prison many times, making him even more of a threat. Luckily, his crime waves often follow some pattern or theme that sometimes allows Batman and Robin to predict his next move. Joker is well known for his skill with electronics, and was a hypnotist when he was younger.
Character Name
  • The Joker
  • The Clown Prince of Crime
  • Clavier Ankh
  • The Jester of Jackanapes
  • The Prankster of Plots
  • W.C. Whiteface, owner of Penthouse Publishers
Real Name
  • Unidentified
  • The Joker is an infamous arch-nemesis of Batman. He is his greatest enemy and one of his most dangerous foes. His abilities as a master conjurer allow him to effortlessly escape from prison many times, making him even more of a threat. Luckily, his crime waves often follow some pattern or theme that sometimes allows Batman and Robin to predict his next move. Joker is well known for his skill with electronics, and was a hypnotist when he was younger.
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