  • Parvataastra
  • Parvataastra is a unique staff with the ability to conjure an entire mountain that will fall upon the target. Due to this, the user must take care in when and where they use it to ensure they don't risk killing themselves or allies. Due to its effect alone, it makes it almost impractical to use in battle. It can be used as is or through the King's Arsenal.
unnamed tool
  • No
debut shippuden
  • No
tool classification
  • Offensive, Defensive
literal english
  • Parvataastra
tool media
  • Anime, Manga
english tv
  • Mountain Staff
  • Parvataastra is a unique staff with the ability to conjure an entire mountain that will fall upon the target. Due to this, the user must take care in when and where they use it to ensure they don't risk killing themselves or allies. Due to its effect alone, it makes it almost impractical to use in battle. It can be used as is or through the King's Arsenal.