  • Rune Memories
  • Speak with Ariane who is in the ruins beneath the Wizards' Tower. There is a dungeon link on the south east side of the tower. You must pass through two doors in the ruins before you reach Ariane. She will tell you she wishes to investigate the vortices further and requires your help. Accept and start the quest. Speak with Ariane again. She will tell you to use the runes to try and trigger a memory in the Library.
  • Return to the bottom of the Old Tower and speak with Ariane. She will tell you she wishes to investigate the vortices further and requires your help. Accept and start the quest. Once you accept the quest, Ariane will attempt to cast a spell, but it will lead her to be trapped within the power beam. In order to aid her, Ariane will give you a prepared fire rune and a prepared air rune. Use the fire rune on any red vortex, and the air rune on any grey vortex. Doing so will absorb the soul fragment contained in the vortex into the rune, making the rune glow.
  • Medium
  • Long
  • 1
  • 1200.0
  • 186
  • Yes
  • * * * First tower robes (top and bottom) * Access to Archmage Sedridor's personal rune essence chest ** Contains rune essence, where is your Runecrafting level ** For each additional level gained in Runecrafting, more essence is placed into the chest for you equal to five times your new Runecrafting level. ** There is no benefit or detriment whatsoever in waiting to increase your runecrafting level to use the chest. * The Archmage title * Speak to the lesser demon on the 1st floor of the Wizards' Tower if you have at least and to receive 10,000 or Experience depending on if you choose to give him a drop of your blood or not, respectively.
  • The teleportation beam is created.ogg
  • Novice
  • Rune Memories
  • right
  • The unlisted track that plays when the teleportation beam is created.
  • Yes
  • * 14 free inventory spaces.
  • Ariane Quest Double Bill
  • The Teleportation Beam
  • * Bloody Foundation
  • Rune Memories icon.png
  • Talk to Ariane in the ruins beneath the Wizards' Tower.
  • 2012-11-28
  • John A
  • Return to the bottom of the Old Tower and speak with Ariane. She will tell you she wishes to investigate the vortices further and requires your help. Accept and start the quest. Once you accept the quest, Ariane will attempt to cast a spell, but it will lead her to be trapped within the power beam. In order to aid her, Ariane will give you a prepared fire rune and a prepared air rune. Use the fire rune on any red vortex, and the air rune on any grey vortex. Doing so will absorb the soul fragment contained in the vortex into the rune, making the rune glow. Speak with Ariane again. She will tell you to use the runes to try and trigger a memory in the Library.
  • Speak with Ariane who is in the ruins beneath the Wizards' Tower. There is a dungeon link on the south east side of the tower. You must pass through two doors in the ruins before you reach Ariane. She will tell you she wishes to investigate the vortices further and requires your help. Accept and start the quest. Once you accept the quest, Ariane will attempt to cast a spell, but it will lead her to be trapped within the power beam. In order to aid her, Ariane will give you a prepared fire rune and a prepared air rune. Use the fire rune on any red vortex, and the air rune on any grey vortex. Doing so will absorb the soul fragment contained in the vortex into the rune, making the rune glow. Speak with Ariane again. She will tell you to use the runes to try and trigger a memory in the Library.
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