  • Feed the giant octopus
  • From: [[]] The little lake is pretty, quiet and set away from the main bustle of the labyrinth. It is also home to Mary, an octopus with tentacles thicker than your leg. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • Tentacles and lumps
Failure title
  • Whee... splash! Whee... splash!
  • 100
Failure description
  • Mary is a playful sort. She spends a long, merry afternoon tossing you into the air, batting you between her tentacles and dropping you into the lake. How especially diverting.
From Card/Storylet title
  • Odd jobs in the Labyrinth
Success description
  • The rubbery lumps arrive from the carnival.[…] Mary waggles a few yards of tentacle to mark the beginning of lunch. What happens next is best forgotten, but you dry off eventually, and the sucker wounds are only superficial.[…]
  • The little lake is pretty, quiet and set away from the main bustle of the labyrinth. It is also home to Mary, an octopus with tentacles thicker than your leg.
  • From: [[]] The little lake is pretty, quiet and set away from the main bustle of the labyrinth. It is also home to Mary, an octopus with tentacles thicker than your leg. [Find the rest of the story at ]