  • Binge Drinking
  • Binge Drinking is a situation where a significant number of citizens have taken to consuming large amounts of alcohol in "binges," causing the average Lifespan to fall. Binge drinking is caused by high Crime rates, a lax Alcohol Law, and/or an under-funded Police Force. Changing these factors can help alleviate the drinking problem, as can enacting Community Policing to get the police to warn the public about the dangers of binge drinking.
  • Binge Drinking is a situation where a significant number of citizens have taken to consuming large amounts of alcohol in "binges," causing the average Lifespan to fall. Binge drinking is caused by high Crime rates, a lax Alcohol Law, and/or an under-funded Police Force. Changing these factors can help alleviate the drinking problem, as can enacting Community Policing to get the police to warn the public about the dangers of binge drinking.