  • Trade glim for maps with the Salty Fabulist
  • From: [[]] The Salty Fabulist's zee-tales are the tallest in London. They say his maps speak the truth for him. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • Wine and honey
  • 60
Failure title
  • At least the maps are good
Game Instructions
  • This will always gain you Map Scraps. There may be other effects.
From Storylet title
  • Sell some Glim
Failure description
  • 'I used to skipper the Oxford Shore, so I did. Until a terrible zee-beast cost me a ship and an eye. Half a shark it were, and half a sheep. I can still hear the savage bleating of it when the tide turns...'
Rare Success description
  • 'You hear of that Poor Edward fellah? I heard tell that he's not a man at all. He's two Rubbery Men, back to back, glued together by some fiendish Rubbery machine...'
Rare Success title
  • Of course he is
Success description
  • 'They say that there's a land to the West, where honey drips down from trees, and wine bubbles up from springs. That's rot, o'course. That land is in the North.'
  • The Salty Fabulist's zee-tales are the tallest in London. They say his maps speak the truth for him.
  • From: [[]] The Salty Fabulist's zee-tales are the tallest in London. They say his maps speak the truth for him. [Find the rest of the story at ]