  • Myllion
  • The myllion is equal to \(10^{8}\) = 100,000,000 in the myriad system, or 10 squared 3 times. Sbiis Saibian gave the name "octad", referring to the value of this number. Aarex Tiaokhiao calls this number ooocol, 8-noogol, or goonaolhexault, and it's equal to a(10,100,0)x[6] in Aarex's Array Notation. Username5243 calls this number niloogolquintiplex or gooctol, and it's equal to 10[1]8 in Username5243's Array Notation.
  • The myllion is equal to \(10^{8}\) = 100,000,000 in the myriad system, or 10 squared 3 times. Sbiis Saibian gave the name "octad", referring to the value of this number. Aarex Tiaokhiao calls this number ooocol, 8-noogol, or goonaolhexault, and it's equal to a(10,100,0)x[6] in Aarex's Array Notation. Username5243 calls this number niloogolquintiplex or gooctol, and it's equal to 10[1]8 in Username5243's Array Notation.