  • Legendary Equipment
  • Legendary Equipment are equipment items that were designed by Kickstarter backers who pledged US$300 or more. All $300+ backers received their items in-game following the successful campaign. Each legendary item is available to players when they complete an associated equipment quest. The equipment quests are: * Recidivate Transformed * The Laundromancer * The Iron Knight * Vice Awakens Legendary equipment items do not confer class bonuses, and can be worn by any class. However, if you lose a piece of Legendary Equipment by dying, you can get it back by either:
  • Legendary Equipment are equipment items that were designed by Kickstarter backers who pledged US$300 or more. All $300+ backers received their items in-game following the successful campaign. Each legendary item is available to players when they complete an associated equipment quest. The equipment quests are: * Recidivate Transformed * The Laundromancer * The Iron Knight * Vice Awakens Legendary equipment items do not confer class bonuses, and can be worn by any class. You can only ever have one copy of Legendary Equipment at a time. Subsequent completions of the quest do not give you additional copies. However, if you lose a piece of Legendary Equipment by dying, you can get it back by either: * Buying it with gold in the Rewards section, as for any equipment lost through death (each piece of Legendary Equipment costs 200 gold points), or * Repeating the quest, which, on completion, will put a new copy of the piece of Legendary Equipment back in your inventory. The option to buy the equipment will then be removed from the Rewards section.