  • Bloodaxe War (Ethelred the Pious)
  • Erik and his son, the powerful warrior Harald Greycloak, fought ceaselessly against the surrounding Irish statelets, forcing their neighbors to acknowledge Erik's supremacy on the island. Harald's prowess in battle and the presence of his influetial mother, Erik's wife Gunnhild, seemed to make Harald's position as Erik's heir quite secure.
  • Erik and his son, the powerful warrior Harald Greycloak, fought ceaselessly against the surrounding Irish statelets, forcing their neighbors to acknowledge Erik's supremacy on the island. Harald's prowess in battle and the presence of his influetial mother, Erik's wife Gunnhild, seemed to make Harald's position as Erik's heir quite secure. However, Erik had an illegitimate son whom he also favored, Haeric, also called Erik. In 946, Erik supplied his son with ships and men to make his own name, common for landless illegitimate sons. The younger Erik embarked on an incredible voyage of conquest, subduing the kingdoms of Man, Ongelsey, and Kernow, the last of which was ruled by Vilhalmer/William, son of Hrolfr the Northman. Erik next proceeded to unseat the King of Østangeln himself. The younger Erik's victories earned him the epithet "the Mariner" and positioned him as a dangerous rival to his half-brother Harald.