  • The Orphanage (Higurashi no Naku Koro ni)
  • Known past residence include Miyoko Tanashi and several roommates she had had. The staff was rather unique in that it was entirely maintained by large, military-resembling men. The staff was known to regularly abuse, bully and mistreat the child residence, often showing sick, sadistic pleasure from doing so. The doors and windows are rigorously locked, causing all the children to give up on the hope of running away.
  • Known past residence include Miyoko Tanashi and several roommates she had had. The staff was rather unique in that it was entirely maintained by large, military-resembling men. The staff was known to regularly abuse, bully and mistreat the child residence, often showing sick, sadistic pleasure from doing so. The doors and windows are rigorously locked, causing all the children to give up on the hope of running away. Orphanage's dysfunctional environment began due to its founder's foolish desire for all of the orphaned children to appreciate him and his staff. Unfortunately, none of the staff could understand that most of the orphans would never show much appreciation due to feeling emotional wounds from losing their families; some of these kids would act out negatively towards the staff members. Instead of making the effort to understand the kids by spending time with them, they would give them extreme punishments as an example that all orphans should follow their strict rules. Eventually, both then orphans and the staff recognized the facility as being more of a prison than an orphanage. The orphanage gains its government money depending on the amount of children they house. As a result of this, the house is very strict when it comes to runaways, often torturing them tremendously, which has occasionally ended in permanent disabling or death. It is unknown if the orphanage remains in operation.