  • Balosar (planet)
  • A highly industrialized world, the towers of Balosar rose so high that light could not penetrate deep enough to reach the surface. The suffocating amount of air pollution was so dense that the air was barely breathable, forcing the native Balosars to adapt to filter out poisonous substances from their bloodstream. Under the surface of the planet, the crust was pocked with cave systems which protected the balo mushrooms from the polluted surface.
  • A highly industrialized world, the towers of Balosar rose so high that light could not penetrate deep enough to reach the surface. The suffocating amount of air pollution was so dense that the air was barely breathable, forcing the native Balosars to adapt to filter out poisonous substances from their bloodstream. Under the surface of the planet, the crust was pocked with cave systems which protected the balo mushrooms from the polluted surface.