  • Golapulusplux
  • The golapulusplux is equal to X{10,100,3},golapulusX in Bowers' old exploded array notation. Bowers' old notation starts like his current notation (BEAF) but with {a,b} = a+b instead of ab. It remains pretty much like his new notation until what is now known as a legion. Then it defines XA,nX = A&a&a&...&a&a with n-1 a's - A can be a number or a sub-exploded array, a is A if A is a number or A's first entry if A is an array.
  • The golapulusplux is equal to X{10,100,3},golapulusX in Bowers' old exploded array notation. Bowers' old notation starts like his current notation (BEAF) but with {a,b} = a+b instead of ab. It remains pretty much like his new notation until what is now known as a legion. Then it defines XA,nX = A&a&a&...&a&a with n-1 a's - A can be a number or a sub-exploded array, a is A if A is a number or A's first entry if A is an array.