  • Canaletto
  • Canaletto
  • Canaletto
  • Canaletto
  • Canaletto
  • Η ονομασία " " σχετίζεται ετυμολογικά με την λέξη "[[ ]]".
  • canaletto m. (plural canaletti) (Diminutive of: canale) 1. * A small canal
  • Canaletto became the Avatar little over 20,000 years ago. When his term ended 10,000 years later and Satis had won, he refused to give up his place. As Satis fought the previous avatar, he called to O for help, as he was not strong enough to destroy him alone. O refused to do this, and thus forced Satis to banish Canaletto rather than destroy him. From his banishment, Canaletto planned his return as avatar for when Satis' term would end. In this Eva Wei was one of his main pawns. 10 years before the events of the Alwas Cycle, he was responsible for the death of Maya Wei during her final race with Spirit. By achieving this, he was able to make Eva his puppet.
  • Tier: High 4-C | 3-C Name: Canaletto Gender: Male Age: Over 20,000 years old Classification: Previous avatar of Ōban, The Timeless One, Lord of Purity Powers and Abilities: Telepathy, Telekinesis, Energy Manipulation, Longevity, Reality Warping, Astral Projection, causalty manipulation, Invisibility, Time Manipulation, dimensional BFR, expanded lifespan Attack Potency: Large Star level (Avatar of Oban, a living planet many times larger than the Sun) | Galaxy level (A threat to the entire galaxy) Durability: Large Star level | Galaxy level (Satis at full power could only seal him away, not kill him)
  • [[Plik:Canaletto.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Canaletto – autoportret (1765)]] Canaletto (właśc. Bernardo Belotto, ur. 30 stycznia 1721 w Wenecji; zm. 17 listopada 1780 w Warszawie) – włoski malarz działający w Polsce, znany przede wszystkim z serii wedut Warszawy. [[Plik:Krakowskie Przedmieście (obraz Canaletto).JPG|right|thumb|250px|Kubik z obrazem Canaletta na odremontowanym Krakowskim Przedmieściu]] [[Plik:Tablica Canaletto Podwale.JPG|right|thumb|250px|Tablica pamiątkowa na murze obronnym]] Canaletto przyszedł na świat w Wenecji, malarstwa uczył się w pracowni swojego wuja Giovanniego Antonia Canala, również zwanego Canalettem, specjalizował się w malowaniu wedut (widoków miast), tworząc pejzaże takich miast jak Wiedeń, Drezno, Monachium czy Pirna. Przybył do Polski w 1767 roku podczas podró
  • He is also known as "The Timeless One" and "The Lord of Purity." A dark, sinister being that first appears mostly shrouded in mystery as a shadow with flaming red eyes and a raven-like head. He was once one of two known Avatars (the other being Satis), who reigned over 10,000 years ago.
  • Giovanni Antonio Canal (1697 – 1768), known to historical posterity as Alfresco Canaletto, is best known for his paintings of people having 18th century frilly sex on boats, barges and rubber dinghies in the dying days of the Venetian Republic. The paintings became such a hit with Canaletto's English patrons, that the painter moved to Great Britain to continue his work in London before eventually returning to Italy in poverty to sell ice creams on gondolas. However his artwork was so influential that to 'go Alfresco Canaletto' passed into the English language to suggest lovers slipping out of their houses for vigorous nookie under the pale moonlight. It also inspired the Industrial Revolution as eager canal builders capitalised on the craze for outdoor sex to criss cross Great Britain with
  • Η ονομασία " " σχετίζεται ετυμολογικά με την λέξη "[[ ]]".
  • He is also known as "The Timeless One" and "The Lord of Purity." A dark, sinister being that first appears mostly shrouded in mystery as a shadow with flaming red eyes and a raven-like head. He was once one of two known Avatars (the other being Satis), who reigned over 10,000 years ago. It is shown that he once went on a crusade to destroy all life and create universal purification, thinking that life is a weakness, a mistake made by the Creators. He was once the avatar, but was banished when he refused to stand down. After refusing to surrender his seat, he was trapped away in a cage, and was imprisoned through 10,000 years, until Satis loses his role as Avatar. To gain back his throne, he uses the show's main protagonist, Eva Wei, as his main pawn for some time, killing her mother to give her motivation to participate in the Great Race of Oban, destroying the Whizzing Arrow I and injuring its pilot, Rick Thunderbolt, so that Eva has to race in his place. He knows that when she wins the Great Race, her carelessness would set him free and once again give him the opportunity to be Avatar, and finish what he started.
  • Giovanni Antonio Canal (1697 – 1768), known to historical posterity as Alfresco Canaletto, is best known for his paintings of people having 18th century frilly sex on boats, barges and rubber dinghies in the dying days of the Venetian Republic. The paintings became such a hit with Canaletto's English patrons, that the painter moved to Great Britain to continue his work in London before eventually returning to Italy in poverty to sell ice creams on gondolas. However his artwork was so influential that to 'go Alfresco Canaletto' passed into the English language to suggest lovers slipping out of their houses for vigorous nookie under the pale moonlight. It also inspired the Industrial Revolution as eager canal builders capitalised on the craze for outdoor sex to criss cross Great Britain with a network of artificial water ways. It was the era of Canal Sex, Casanova and the French Revolution.
  • [[Plik:Canaletto.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Canaletto – autoportret (1765)]] Canaletto (właśc. Bernardo Belotto, ur. 30 stycznia 1721 w Wenecji; zm. 17 listopada 1780 w Warszawie) – włoski malarz działający w Polsce, znany przede wszystkim z serii wedut Warszawy. [[Plik:Krakowskie Przedmieście (obraz Canaletto).JPG|right|thumb|250px|Kubik z obrazem Canaletta na odremontowanym Krakowskim Przedmieściu]] [[Plik:Tablica Canaletto Podwale.JPG|right|thumb|250px|Tablica pamiątkowa na murze obronnym]] Canaletto przyszedł na świat w Wenecji, malarstwa uczył się w pracowni swojego wuja Giovanniego Antonia Canala, również zwanego Canalettem, specjalizował się w malowaniu wedut (widoków miast), tworząc pejzaże takich miast jak Wiedeń, Drezno, Monachium czy Pirna. Przybył do Polski w 1767 roku podczas podróży do Petersburga i osiadł na dworze króla Stanisława Augusta Poniatowskiego, zostając jego nadwornym malarzem. Pracował między innymi przy dekorowaniu Zamku Ujazdowskiego, najbardziej rozpoznawanym jego dziełami jest jednak seria 30 (do dziś zachowanych 24) wedut przedstawiających ówczesną Warszawę oraz Wilanów. Stworzył także cykl widoków Rzymu. Pochowany został w kościele Przemienienia Pańskiego na ul. Miodowej, jednak jego nagrobek uległ zniszczeniu podczas II wojny światowej. Podczas powojennej rekonstrukcji Warszawy obrazy Canaletta stały się podstawą do rekonstrukcji wielu obiektów zabytkowych, takich jak pałac Branickich na Miodowej, pałac Krasińskich czy kamienica Ignacego Nowickiego. Natomiast podczas remontu Krakowskiego Przedmieścia, w 2008 roku, cztery z jego widoków Traktu Królewskiego zostały zatopione w kubikach i ustawione w przestrzeni miejskiej, dając odwiedzającym możliwość porównania okolicy współczesnej z XVIII-wieczną.
  • Tier: High 4-C | 3-C Name: Canaletto Gender: Male Age: Over 20,000 years old Classification: Previous avatar of Ōban, The Timeless One, Lord of Purity Powers and Abilities: Telepathy, Telekinesis, Energy Manipulation, Longevity, Reality Warping, Astral Projection, causalty manipulation, Invisibility, Time Manipulation, dimensional BFR, expanded lifespan Attack Potency: Large Star level (Avatar of Oban, a living planet many times larger than the Sun) | Galaxy level (A threat to the entire galaxy) Durability: Large Star level | Galaxy level (Satis at full power could only seal him away, not kill him) Stamina: Unknown Range: Galactic with psychic powers & astral projection | Galactic Standard Equipment: Unknown Intelligence: Unknown Weaknesses: Unknown Key: Post Avatar | The Avatar
  • canaletto m. (plural canaletti) (Diminutive of: canale) 1. * A small canal
  • Canaletto became the Avatar little over 20,000 years ago. When his term ended 10,000 years later and Satis had won, he refused to give up his place. As Satis fought the previous avatar, he called to O for help, as he was not strong enough to destroy him alone. O refused to do this, and thus forced Satis to banish Canaletto rather than destroy him. From his banishment, Canaletto planned his return as avatar for when Satis' term would end. In this Eva Wei was one of his main pawns. 10 years before the events of the Alwas Cycle, he was responsible for the death of Maya Wei during her final race with Spirit. By achieving this, he was able to make Eva his puppet.