  • Field-Tournament-Style-Up-and-Down-On-The-Ground-Manja-Flanja-Blanja-Banja-Ishka-Bibble-Babble-Flabble-Doma-Roma-Floma-Boma-Jingle-Jangle-Every-Angle-Bricka-Bracka-Flacka-Stacka-Two-Ton-Rerun-Free-for-All-Big-Ball
  • 1) The game starts with one player standing on top of the ball. This person hikes the ball. In other words, this person says "hike" and the ball is hit with a giant pool stick, sending it rolling through the course. It is not known wether or not the obstacles shown in the episode are always part of the game or if the defending team chooses what obstacles to use. Because of this, the steps are going to be ordered the way they are shown in the episode. 2) The first obstacle the ball faces is a line of human cannons firing members of the defensive team.
  • 1) The game starts with one player standing on top of the ball. This person hikes the ball. In other words, this person says "hike" and the ball is hit with a giant pool stick, sending it rolling through the course. It is not known wether or not the obstacles shown in the episode are always part of the game or if the defending team chooses what obstacles to use. Because of this, the steps are going to be ordered the way they are shown in the episode. 2) The first obstacle the ball faces is a line of human cannons firing members of the defensive team. 3) The ball then goes under four hurdles, which the player on the ball has to jump over. 4) The ball has to stop abruptly to let an old lady cross the course. 5) A duck crosses that same crosswalk, and tries eating the person on the ball. 6) The head coach of either team can call a time out, and after the time out the ball is hit by a tennis racket to get it moving. 7) At the end of the course, there is a goal that you try getting the ball into, although you actually aren't trying to get it in because you aren't trying to win. 8) Although they are not seen when Truffles coaches Goulash United, some other obstacles are, "Poison spitting snake pits, and poison spitting alligator pits, and poison spitting kitten pits. Then there's the Flumper Bumpers." 9) Apparently, it is a legal move to have one of your team members eat the ball. 10) At a certain point in the game there is an official tea break time. 11) Most importantly, neither team is supposed to score a point. If this happens, the sport is ruined, and a character that looks like a turtle monster will rise out of the ground and throw the stadium into a giant trash can, saying "Game over."