  • Charles Jacob Kingston
  • Kingston once did field work in the Paris Catacombs as a grad student. In 1922, while teaching at the University of Chicago's Archaeology Department, Professor Kingston took two of his most promising students, Indiana Jones and Magnus Völler, to Panama with him in search of the Jade Sphere, an artifact which would in turn lead him to the Staff of Kings, his lifelong obsession. While on the expedition, Völler tried to steal artifacts from Kingston, creating an abrupt end to their relationship. In 1933, Kingston was considered to have disappeared on a search for the Staff.
  • *Staff of Kings *Indiana Jones
Character Name
  • Charles Jacob Kingston
  • Archaeology professor
  • Male
  • 1939
  • Kingston once did field work in the Paris Catacombs as a grad student. In 1922, while teaching at the University of Chicago's Archaeology Department, Professor Kingston took two of his most promising students, Indiana Jones and Magnus Völler, to Panama with him in search of the Jade Sphere, an artifact which would in turn lead him to the Staff of Kings, his lifelong obsession. While on the expedition, Völler tried to steal artifacts from Kingston, creating an abrupt end to their relationship. In 1933, Kingston was considered to have disappeared on a search for the Staff. Kingston eventually reached the temple where the Staff was kept, and lived in the nearby village in Nepal, helping to ensure that the powers of the Staff did not fall into the wrong hands. At some point, Kingston was forced to use a wheelchair. Several months prior to Jones' and Völler's rival expeditions to Panama, Kingston returned to the region, visiting the Jungle Village, and hiding his notebook inside the Temple of the Cosmos. He then sent the Jade Sphere to Archie Tan, who hid it in Chinatown. In 1939, Kingston and the villagers met up with Jones and Maggie O'Malley, who were on the trail of the staff before Völler. However, Völler arrived with Nazi soldiers from the Odin and began attacking the town to get through to the temple. Kingston was captured by Völler and his crew, and brought aboard the zeppelin. After losing the staff to Völler, Jones managed to get aboard the Odin. Confronting Jones when he reached the bridge, Völler pulled his gun and aimed at his former classmate. The quick-thinking Kingston jumped in the way and was fatally shot saving Jones. Jones tended to Kingston, but the older professor died.