  • Astral Precognition Planting
  • In order to access this ability, Callum and Rylee must astral project. Their bodies will fall unconscious, and they will form a faint, partially visible astral body which will be able to whisper suggestions of precognitions into people's ears. Because the astral form is partially visible, the ability will normally be used when the targeted person is alone. That individual will then believe that a precognitive ability has been triggered, and that he or she is experiencing a precognition. The person must be in whatever state he or she needs to be in normally to access precognitions, e.g. a precognitive dreamer would need to be in a natural sleep. The ability is normally used on those who already precognitive abilities, but it can also sometimes be used to trick people into believing that the
ability to
  • plant precognitions whilst in astral form
  • Astral Precognition Planting
  • Planting a vision
  • In order to access this ability, Callum and Rylee must astral project. Their bodies will fall unconscious, and they will form a faint, partially visible astral body which will be able to whisper suggestions of precognitions into people's ears. Because the astral form is partially visible, the ability will normally be used when the targeted person is alone. That individual will then believe that a precognitive ability has been triggered, and that he or she is experiencing a precognition. The person must be in whatever state he or she needs to be in normally to access precognitions, e.g. a precognitive dreamer would need to be in a natural sleep. The ability is normally used on those who already precognitive abilities, but it can also sometimes be used to trick people into believing that they have newly manifested a precognitive ability. Callum and Rylee can entirely control the precognitions they plant, and they can either be true and accurate, or fictional.