  • Stop George!
  • From: [[]] Truth be told, 'escape' doesn't really apply to George: a cave-snake goes where it likes. However, this time he's heading for the public areas of the labyrinth. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • The rat rails
Failure title
  • Oof!
  • 102
Failure description
  • The cave-snake's great green head swats you aside like a cricket ball uprooting a stump. You crash against the lemur cage and all goes black. When you wake, you can hear distant screams.
From Card/Storylet title
  • George is loose!
Success description
  • Brute force isn't going to work[…]Instead, you unlock the nearest feed bins, shanghai a few keepers and set to work with shovels. […You] lay out a tasty set of rails for George that lead him back to his cave. The staff raise a cheer for you[…]
  • Truth be told, 'escape' doesn't really apply to George: a cave-snake goes where it likes. However, this time he's heading for the public areas of the labyrinth.
  • From: [[]] Truth be told, 'escape' doesn't really apply to George: a cave-snake goes where it likes. However, this time he's heading for the public areas of the labyrinth. [Find the rest of the story at ]