  • Doneness
  • Of course, many steakhouse restaurants and steak-lovers divvy up the categories in many ways, but generally, these follow a specific pattern, from "don't even bother with the grill, sunlight is enough" to "call CSI for identification": * Raw * Blue Rare * Rare * Medium Rare * Medium * Medium Well * Well Done * Well Well Done * Encased in Carbonite
  • Of course, many steakhouse restaurants and steak-lovers divvy up the categories in many ways, but generally, these follow a specific pattern, from "don't even bother with the grill, sunlight is enough" to "call CSI for identification": * Raw * Blue Rare * Rare * Medium Rare * Medium * Medium Well * Well Done * Well Well Done * Encased in Carbonite Always make sure you place the steak in a place with good heat distribution, otherwise you might end up with a medium well end and a medium rare... other end, which might conceivably be good eats, but is certainly not much fun. Unless you are a gamblin' man, of course.