  • Hunah'Reem
  • In his later years of life, Hunah was the original Supreme General of the Confederate Synthetic Army, given this title by fellow quarian and creator of the army, Kal'Feda. Hunah's first campaign as Supreme General was considered a marvelous success as he managed to cause the destruction of a fueling depot near the Terminus Systems border. Unfortunately for Hunah, he would fall in combat to a sniper's bullet during his second campaign. Not long after, he was replaced by General Rankor.
  • In his later years of life, Hunah was the original Supreme General of the Confederate Synthetic Army, given this title by fellow quarian and creator of the army, Kal'Feda. Hunah's first campaign as Supreme General was considered a marvelous success as he managed to cause the destruction of a fueling depot near the Terminus Systems border. Unfortunately for Hunah, he would fall in combat to a sniper's bullet during his second campaign. Not long after, he was replaced by General Rankor.