  • Bloodflower
  • The bloodflower was a type of flower native to the desert world of Korriban that bloomed once a century. During the Cold War, the flower bloomed, marking the first time an Imperial or Sith had seen the flower bloom since the Great Hyperpsace War. A species of strange insect nested in the bloodflower's stem.
  • Bloodflowers are plant-like creatures that live in the Tallon Overworld. They appears as large pods composed of four leaves or petals that usually remain closed. At their base appear to be root structures resembling small mouths, which contain their own brain system. Bloodflowers are normally dormant until they sense a threat, in which case they become agitated and will attack. Bloodflowers can be seen in Root Tunnel, Root Cave and Great Tree Hall.
  • Bloodflowers are a species of carnivorous flora indigenous to Tallon IV's overworld. Like many Tallonian species, Bloodflowers are highly aggressive, and will launch concentrated clusters of toxic spores at any opposing lifeforms in an attempt to either subdue or otherwise eliminate them (see: kill). The spores are produced from their stigma, which is located at the flower's center. They possess a trio of mouth-nodules which protrude from the stalk beneath the flower; each of these has a rudimentary brain cluster as well as the ability to spew toxic fumes at anything that comes within a five-meter radius of the main stalk.
  • Non-Sapient
  • Metroid Prime
  • Metroid Prime
  • Bloodflower
  • Three mouth-nodules protrude from the stalk beneath the flower, each with a rudimentary brain cluster and the ability to spew toxic fumes at anything within a five-meter radius. The spores ejected from the stigma at the center of the flower are sufficient to kill this creature if they explode in its vicinity.
  • A Bloodflower in Root Tunnel.
  • Its own toxic spores; nearby Sap Sacs; Plasma Beam.
  • Able to eject toxic spores. Toxins are poisonous even to the Bloodflower itself.
  • Morphology: Bloodflower
  • Toxic spores.
  • Carnivorous
  • Bloodflowers are plant-like creatures that live in the Tallon Overworld. They appears as large pods composed of four leaves or petals that usually remain closed. At their base appear to be root structures resembling small mouths, which contain their own brain system. Bloodflowers are normally dormant until they sense a threat, in which case they become agitated and will attack. Bloodflowers launch concentrated clusters of toxic spores at opposing life-forms in order to subdue or kill them. Firing at the spore will cause it to rupture toxic material. If it was near the creature, the Bloodflower will let out a sort of "scream" then burn. In some cases a Bloodflower will be adjacent to a Sap Sac; if one explodes within range of a Bloodflower, it will burst into flames in the same manner as the first method of defeat. They can also be easily dealt with a charged shot from the Plasma Beam or Ice Beam. Bloodflowers can be seen in Root Tunnel, Root Cave and Great Tree Hall.
  • Bloodflowers are a species of carnivorous flora indigenous to Tallon IV's overworld. Like many Tallonian species, Bloodflowers are highly aggressive, and will launch concentrated clusters of toxic spores at any opposing lifeforms in an attempt to either subdue or otherwise eliminate them (see: kill). The spores are produced from their stigma, which is located at the flower's center. They possess a trio of mouth-nodules which protrude from the stalk beneath the flower; each of these has a rudimentary brain cluster as well as the ability to spew toxic fumes at anything that comes within a five-meter radius of the main stalk. Due primarily to their floratic nature, they do not seem capable of choosing their own location to live out their lives - and even if they can, they certainly cannot mobilize (at least with any significant speed), and thus they are extremely susceptible to environmental harm if an opponent knows ahead of time how to deal with one. Bloodflowers are in fact not immune to their own spores, and should a sapient opponent hit the spore with conventional weaponry it will rupture early and rain down its toxins, which can kill the originator instantaneously should the toxins come in contact with them, causing them to let out a startling scream and ignite. Another way to deal with them is by utilizing Sap Sacs that may be in the vicinity by rupturing them instead.
  • The bloodflower was a type of flower native to the desert world of Korriban that bloomed once a century. During the Cold War, the flower bloomed, marking the first time an Imperial or Sith had seen the flower bloom since the Great Hyperpsace War. A species of strange insect nested in the bloodflower's stem.