  • Hurricane's Reign
  • Gathering the available winds around her, Reiki begins to develop them into a semicircle of highly compressed, hurricane force winds. Once done, she releases these winds in a winding pattern before adding lightning to the outskirts as a little "surprise". These lightning bolts stored on the outside of the main attack ensure that if the attack hits, it will prove highly lethal if not fatal to the opponent, and should the main attack miss, that the stored lightning will not leave the opponent unscathed.
jutsu type
  • Hurricane Release
debut shippuden
  • No
literal english
  • Hurricane's Reign
jutsu rank
  • A
jutsu classification
  • Kekkei Genkai~Hurricane Release, Ninjutsu
unnamed jutsu
  • No
jutsu class type
  • Offensive
jutsu media
  • Anime, Manga
  • Reiki Areru, Nonbiri
  • Gathering the available winds around her, Reiki begins to develop them into a semicircle of highly compressed, hurricane force winds. Once done, she releases these winds in a winding pattern before adding lightning to the outskirts as a little "surprise". These lightning bolts stored on the outside of the main attack ensure that if the attack hits, it will prove highly lethal if not fatal to the opponent, and should the main attack miss, that the stored lightning will not leave the opponent unscathed.