  • Suishōgakure
  • Suishōgakure was originally a frozen wasteland with few people residing there. However, after the shunning of the Yuki Clan, several members of the Clan migrated to Suishōgakure, seeking safety from the slaughtering of their fellow clan members. It was then that Kameyō was selected as their leader, because of her wise personality and her Kage-level abilities. She and Kei helped the clan members in gathering resources, by undoing the freezing of one of the rivers within Suishōgakure and undoing the freezing of several trees, buildings, and such.
  • Suishōgakure was originally a frozen wasteland with few people residing there. However, after the shunning of the Yuki Clan, several members of the Clan migrated to Suishōgakure, seeking safety from the slaughtering of their fellow clan members. It was then that Kameyō was selected as their leader, because of her wise personality and her Kage-level abilities. She and Kei helped the clan members in gathering resources, by undoing the freezing of one of the rivers within Suishōgakure and undoing the freezing of several trees, buildings, and such. Within a short amount of time, Suishōgakure became a village known for its military power. It was then that Hashirama Senju sought out an alliance with Suishōgakure, visiting the village and meeting with Kameyō. The two quickly became good friends, perhaps because of their will to protect their villages. However, the village struggled to survive as the economy began to decline, the result of the burning of several trees. A drought then struck the village, and in order to save the village, Kameyō undid the freezing of a second river and successfully saved the village.