  • Marburg Virus
  • Marburg virus
  • The Marburg Virus was a filovirus that lived in an animal host, originally monkeys in the Kitum Cave region of East Africa. The Soviet Union sent men in the jungle to obtain it with the expressed goal of turning it into a biological weapon. Since the virus was genetically labile, it could exchange genes with a multitude of devastating plagues, making it capable of evolving into many variations.
  • In the mid 1980s, Dr. Nicolas Griffith, previously dismissed from institutes for unethical research into drug-induced behavior modification, infected several lab assistants in his Washington lab. Tasked with engineering a vaccine and treating themselves in a short timespan, they were deliberately misled about the exact virus they were to be infected with, being told it was a Cold virus strain. The lab assistants failed to treat themselves in the allotted time, succumbing to brain damage and massive hemorrhaging. Griffith abandoned the lab upon the failure and it was some days before the authorities found the bodies following reports of a bad smell.
  • The Marburg Virus was a filovirus that lived in an animal host, originally monkeys in the Kitum Cave region of East Africa. The Soviet Union sent men in the jungle to obtain it with the expressed goal of turning it into a biological weapon. Since the virus was genetically labile, it could exchange genes with a multitude of devastating plagues, making it capable of evolving into many variations.
  • In the mid 1980s, Dr. Nicolas Griffith, previously dismissed from institutes for unethical research into drug-induced behavior modification, infected several lab assistants in his Washington lab. Tasked with engineering a vaccine and treating themselves in a short timespan, they were deliberately misled about the exact virus they were to be infected with, being told it was a Cold virus strain. The lab assistants failed to treat themselves in the allotted time, succumbing to brain damage and massive hemorrhaging. Griffith abandoned the lab upon the failure and it was some days before the authorities found the bodies following reports of a bad smell.