  • Googolty
  • A googolty is a number equal to \(10^{101}\), or 10*googol (googol times ten). It is based on the fact that two times ten = twenty, three times ten = thirty, four times ten = forty, etc., which can be extrapolated to \(10n\) = n-ty. Full form written in decimal: (1 followed by 101 zeroes) 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Sbiis Saibian gave the name googolbunch, referring to the value of this number. Aarex Tiaokhiao calls this number unpunoohol or 101-noogol.
  • A googolty is a number equal to \(10^{101}\), or 10*googol (googol times ten). It is based on the fact that two times ten = twenty, three times ten = thirty, four times ten = forty, etc., which can be extrapolated to \(10n\) = n-ty. Full form written in decimal: (1 followed by 101 zeroes) 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Sbiis Saibian gave the name googolbunch, referring to the value of this number. Aarex Tiaokhiao calls this number unpunoohol or 101-noogol. Username5243 calls this number googolnilex, and it's equal to 10[0]10[1]100 in Username5243's Array Notation.