  • The Stirring
  • The sun stained the sky the colour of blood, as it fell from sight, bleeding into the waves of the sun-drown place on the horizon. A golden she-cat was perched on a rock warmed by the rapidly dying rays of the sun, watching intently as if it would let her in on the deadliest of secrets. The deputy opened her mouth to speak. All was silent. A shocked gasp emnated from the crowd of cats below. Ambersoul was startled. Had no other cat spotted the blood on Poisonpelt's claws? A sharp prod in the ribs told her Strikeheart had. "Very well." Dawnpelt meowed, her voice curt. "We will go."
  • The sun stained the sky the colour of blood, as it fell from sight, bleeding into the waves of the sun-drown place on the horizon. A golden she-cat was perched on a rock warmed by the rapidly dying rays of the sun, watching intently as if it would let her in on the deadliest of secrets. Before a strangled gasp of wonder could escape her mouth, a terrible noise split the silence. A high shriek of agony that foretold shadow ahead. At that moment Poisonpelt emerged from the leader's den, wearing an insidious smirk. The golden she-cat looked around, and her eyes narrowed to slits. Something stained the deputy's curved claws. The deputy opened her mouth to speak. All was silent. A shocked gasp emnated from the crowd of cats below. Ambersoul was startled. Had no other cat spotted the blood on Poisonpelt's claws? A sharp prod in the ribs told her Strikeheart had. "Blood will wash the sky the day doom descends..." Ambersoul heard the young medicine cat, Dawnpelt's shocked whisper as Poisonpelt leapt down from the Snakerock. Poisonpelt had apparently missed the medicine cat's comment. The sky was indeed scarlet, even though night should have fallen long ago. Poisonpelt, her pelt vibrant in the light, stalked toward Dawnpelt. "We shall go to the stone. Now." ordered Poisonpelt, her voice laced with pure venom, but Dawnpelt didn't even flinch. Ambersoul flashed a smile of encouragement at her. Dawnpelt had to hold her ground. But could any of the clan hold it together knowing the horrors that lay ahead for VenomClan? "Very well." Dawnpelt meowed, her voice curt. "We will go." "Good." An evil smirk distorted Poisonpelt's features. Dawnpelt's words rang in Ambersoul's ears.