  • Story about a Little Gnome (Book)
  • Brown Book
  • Once upon a time there was a little gnome.
  • And as all gnomes he was a treacherous, greedy coward . One day in the middle of a deep forest the little gnome met a little girl wearing a pretty red cap. As the greedy gnome saw that she was carrying a bag full of finest bread and a flask of wine, he pretended to be starving and begged the little girl for food and water in a way anoying as only gnomes can be . But the girl was warned of treacherous gnomes by a valiant huntsman she met before and she quickly ran away from the greedy little gnome. The gnome became angry but was afraid to steal from her, because she might have been stronger than him. So he wandered into the woods cursing as only gnomes can curse . By chance he almost stumbled over a sleeping bard. Quickly figuring out the magical nature of the flute lying near the sleeping bard, he stole it as quickly as only a gnome can do . Using the magic flute he lured a pack of wolves to the little girls grandmas house and let the beasts chase both into the wilderness and laughed wickedly as only gnomes can laugh . Laughing the gnome gulped the wine and swallowed thebread as fast as only gnomes can . So he lived in the woods and molested squirrels happily ever after.
  • Story about a Little Gnome
  • A story of a gnome that lures wolves on a girl and her grandmother so that he can steal their food.
  • Rookgaard Academy