  • Cosby Canard
  • The Cosby Canard is a type of urban farce or superlative colloquium popularized by the ex-baptist Irish-Nigerian monk and juvenile motivator Bill Cosby. This particular brand of verbal utterances, which frequently appears in late night low-budget sitcom commercials and children's cartoons from the 1970s, is used as a comical anecdote to confuse the sane and orderly by asserting to them that everything and anything that exists in the universe is somehow like pudding.
  • The Cosby Canard is a type of urban farce or superlative colloquium popularized by the ex-baptist Irish-Nigerian monk and juvenile motivator Bill Cosby. This particular brand of verbal utterances, which frequently appears in late night low-budget sitcom commercials and children's cartoons from the 1970s, is used as a comical anecdote to confuse the sane and orderly by asserting to them that everything and anything that exists in the universe is somehow like pudding. Some people however, particularly parents, refrain from using the romantic versions of the anecdote outside of the bedroom for fear that their children may become prematurely corrupted by adulthood. The general format of the Cosby Canard begins with a dependent clausal address; then is separated by a comma, then a noun is mentioned, and then finally the statement ends with the insistence that said noun is simply "like pudding" or "like (verb) pudding" or even "like (adverb) pudding." The independent clause which contains the "like pudding" ultimately concludes the anecdote and will subsequently leave your audience in a hilarious state of confusion and awe.