  • Asterix
  • Asterix
  • Asterix
  • Asterix
  • Asterix
  • Asterix (franz.: Astérix) ist ein mutiger Gallier und der beste Freund von Obelix. Er lebt in einem kleinen gallischen Dorf, das zu allen Landseiten von Römern umzingelt ist und den einzigen nicht-römischen Teil von ganz Gallien darstellt. Und auch wenn Cäsar es noch so sehr versucht, hat er doch keine Chance das Dorf zu erobern, das durch einen Zaubertranks ihres Druiden Miraculix unbesiegt bleibt. Asterix ist der klügste Krieger des Dorfes.
  • Asterix is the lead character from the French Asterix comics. He's a Gaul fighting the Romans who have captured all of Gaul, except for his village. In his exploits he trusts his ingenuity, the potion of invincibility made by the druid Getafix, and last but not least his friend Obelix.
  • Asterix is a French comic book. ENglish translations are currently published by Orion Children's Books.
  • Asterix war ein gallischer Krieger, der in etwa zur Zeit Julius Caesars an mehreren Schlachten teilgenommen hat. Er war Mitglied eines überaus brutalen Stammes, der seine Gegner nicht wie üblich tötete, sondern alle am Leben ließ, um sie öfters besiegen zu können.right|thumb|100px|Asterix, der Gallier
  • Asterix il Gallico è il protagonista principale e tautologico del fumetto "Asterix il Gallico" (Asterix le Galois/Asterix lez Cigarettez) dei grandi artisti francesi René Goscinny e Albert Uderzo. I suoi più grandi (non grossi!) amici: Obelix il menhirpompo, Panoramix il druido e Idefix il microcane.
  • Asterix is a French comic book hero created by Goscinny and Uderzo in the late 1950's. Asterix is a Gaul, a Celt who lives in what is now France during the time of Julius Ceaser (c.50 BC). He, along with his sidekick, Obelix protect thier village from Roman invaders and have many other adventures as well. Keyword should be added if Asterix is a main character in the title and/or is refered to in a title (mostly in documentaries).
  • Asterix clarissimus vir Gallicus est. Vero nec altus nec fortis est, sed est homo sapiens, et si pugnandum est, etiam potens fit. Nam, in rebus adversis, potionem magicam bibit quae facit viros invincibiles. Tum agit: TA-TARATARATTARÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ Mehercules! Subito fortis fit! In hac arte, Asterix callidior est quam Oculus Crepitans nauta
  • When the roman legions arrived, Asterix and the rest of the village's warrior's used Getafix's magical potion to gain superhuman strength and easily fend off the invaders, much to Caesar's annoyance. The majority of the series usually revolves around the romans trying to conquer the village or Asterix and Obelix visiting foreign locations.
  • Asterix or The Adventures of Asterix (French language: Astérix or Astérix le Gaulois, IPA: [asteʁiks lə ɡolwa]) is a series of French comics written by René Goscinny and illustrated by Albert Uderzo (Uderzo took over the writing after the death of Goscinny in 1977). The series first appeared in the Franco-Belgian comics magazine Pilote on 29 October 1959. As of 2013, 35 volumes have been released. The Asterix series is one of the most popular Franco-Belgian comics in the world, with the series being translated into over 100 languages, and it is popular in most European countries.
  • Asterix (im Original: Astérix) ist die 1959 von Autor René Goscinny (1926–1977) und Zeichner Albert Uderzo (* 1927) geschaffene, erfolgreichste französische Comicserie mit der gleichnamigen Hauptfigur im Mittelpunkt. Der Name „Asterix“ leitet sich von dem typografischen Zeichen Asterisk ab, griechisch für Sternchen , asterískos.
  • The series' title character is a very short warrior from Gaul (the ancient name for France). The action takes place in the year 50 BCE. Almost all of Gaul has been conquered by the Roman army under the leadership of Julius Caesar. Only the village where Asterix lives remains unconquered. This is because the village druid knows how to make a magic potion which temporarily gives anyone who drinks it superhuman strength. This allows the people of the village to fight off the Romans easily. The only person in the village who is not allowed to drink the magic potion is Asterix's overweight friend Obelix. Obelix gained permanent superhuman strength after he fell into the cauldron of magic potion when he was a little boy. In addition to the superhuman strength that he gets from drinking the magic
  • [[Soubor:Asterix1.png|thumb|left|Obrázek Asterixe, hrdiny italského hentai, ze starých stránek se seznamem kategorií zpráv. Je to asi taková úlitba keltským kořenům EU, jako když Čechové píšou o slovanské mytologii. Vtipná.]] [[Soubor:Drachma_4.jpg|thumb|right|Spartanská tetradrachmahmotnost: 1 talentsložení: 90 % Agplatnost: hafo staletí před Kristem a znova od léta 2012cena: k nezaplacenívztah k článku: vágní]]
  • The Adventures of Asterix is set in 50 BC, in a fictional village in northwest Armorica (a region of ancient Gaul mostly identical to modern Brittany). The village is surrounded by the ocean on the northern and western sides, and is ringed by a high wooden gate. The other sides of the village are on the edge of a thick forest, within which there are contains four Roman garrisons which are intented to keep an eye on the village.
  • 118503812
  • 81
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  • C. H. Beck
  • Ehapa
  • Narr
  • Redline Wirtschaft
  • SAXA Verlag
  • dumont kunst-taschenbücher
  • 1974
  • 1976
  • 1984
  • 1985
  • 1998
  • 1999
  • 2001
  • 2004
  • 2007
  • XD00X
  • Asterix
  • in: Holtus, Günter / Radtke, Edgar , Umgangssprache in der Iberoromania. Festschrift für Heinz Kröll
pub date
  • --10-29
  • 13052008
  • Aktiv
  • France
  • Asterix
  • Wikix
  • *
  • enthält ein ausführliches Kapitel über Asterix und den dazugehörenden Kult
  • Analyse aller Sprach- und Bildsymbole der ersten Bände
  • Alte Sprachen in der Krise
  • Antico-mix: Antike in Comics
  • French
  • *
list books
  • List of Asterix volumes
  • p
title orig
Image caption
  • (Some of the many characters in Asterix. In the front row are the regular characters, with Asterix himself in the centre.)
  • 200851892
  • Basel
  • München
  • Köln
  • Stuttgart
  • Frankfurt
  • Tübingen
  • ja
number of books
  • 35
  • Alles über den Comichelden Asterix und seine Freunde.
  • *
  • de.asterix
  • Sprachliche Varietäten in "Astérix": eine vergleichende Betrachtung verschiedener romanischer Fassungen
  • „Die spinnen, die …“ – Mit Asterix durch die Welt der Römer“
  • Asterix und seine Zeit. Die große Welt des kleinen Galliers
  • Sprachspiel und Übersetzung. Eine Studie anhand der Comic-Serie Asterix
  • Asterix auf großer Fahrt
  • Asterix und die Antike
  • Asterix – Das Trivialepos Frankreichs
  • Asterix – Die ganze Wahrheit
  • Politix. Asterix und Politik
  • Asterix der Gallier und die „römische Welt“. Beobachtungen über einen geheimen Miterzieher im Lateinunterricht
  • Der Kultfaktor – Vom Marketing zum Mythos: 42 Erfolgsstorys von Rolex bis Jägermeister
  • 3
  • 978
  • Asterix
  • Asterix
  • de.asterix
  • asterix
  • Asterix (franz.: Astérix) ist ein mutiger Gallier und der beste Freund von Obelix. Er lebt in einem kleinen gallischen Dorf, das zu allen Landseiten von Römern umzingelt ist und den einzigen nicht-römischen Teil von ganz Gallien darstellt. Und auch wenn Cäsar es noch so sehr versucht, hat er doch keine Chance das Dorf zu erobern, das durch einen Zaubertranks ihres Druiden Miraculix unbesiegt bleibt. Asterix ist der klügste Krieger des Dorfes.
  • Asterix is the lead character from the French Asterix comics. He's a Gaul fighting the Romans who have captured all of Gaul, except for his village. In his exploits he trusts his ingenuity, the potion of invincibility made by the druid Getafix, and last but not least his friend Obelix.
  • Asterix is a French comic book. ENglish translations are currently published by Orion Children's Books.
  • [[Soubor:Asterix1.png|thumb|left|Obrázek Asterixe, hrdiny italského hentai, ze starých stránek se seznamem kategorií zpráv. Je to asi taková úlitba keltským kořenům EU, jako když Čechové píšou o slovanské mytologii. Vtipná.]] [[Soubor:Drachma_4.jpg|thumb|right|Spartanská tetradrachmahmotnost: 1 talentsložení: 90 % Agplatnost: hafo staletí před Kristem a znova od léta 2012cena: k nezaplacenívztah k článku: vágní]] All Purpose Structured Eurocontrol Surveillance Information Exchange (zkráceně AStErIx) je běžný formát pro výměnu dat mezi jednotlivými patry a mezipatry evropské byrokracie. Nejdůležitější jeho definicí je All Purpose - tedy že přes něj jde přenášet úplně všechno, tedy například kurz (eXchange) tetradrachmy, údaje o barometrických i multilateračně naměřených výškách orgánů ministrů Rady ministrů, call sign vládních vozidel (pokud jsou vybavena odpovídačem nebo aspoň ADS-B squitterem), cíle a pod. Původně byl vyvinut pro řízení provozu létajících trolejbusů, pročež se k přenášení všeho (opak ničeho) používá z celé zprávy vždy jen několik obskurních pomocných bitů, kterých je naštěstí v každé verzi přehršel (slovo structured v názvu proto zjevně odkazuje ke kravským strukům a navzdory tradovanému, leč pochopitelnému omylu je českým přínosem v projektu). Pro sdělení několika málo slov je tak třeba několika kilobajtů dat a obsáhlejší dokumenty se odesílají několik měsíců. Pozitivním přínosem je tak i navýšení objemu komunikace mezi institucemi i uvnitř, což je dobré, neb komunikace prokazatelně pomáhá. Všeobecně. Výstupní formát Asterix je též jediným lidsky jakš-takš srozumitelným formátem, který leze z CMEU, což je podle anglické českopedie osmibitový počítač, nicméně jej pro výstupy používá i civilní verze bojového radiolokátoru Věra, která je již řízena přinejmenším počítačem dvanáctibitovým. Formát je spravován Evropským úřadem pro kontrolu všehomíra - Eurocontrol - a používá se i mimo EU, například ve všehomíru. Různé kategorie slouží pro různé účely, především jsou různé u různých zdrojů dat, a liší se od sebe číslem a definovanou strukturou. Každá kategorie má navíc spousty různých verzí předepsaných standardů, které se od sebe liší pouze číslem. Přečíslovávání verzí je vázáno na potřebu vánočních prémií u odpovědných úředníků. Formát též pod názvem SAC nativně podporuje regionální ochranu dat podobnou, jako je u originálních DVD. A naprosto stejně účinnou.
  • Asterix war ein gallischer Krieger, der in etwa zur Zeit Julius Caesars an mehreren Schlachten teilgenommen hat. Er war Mitglied eines überaus brutalen Stammes, der seine Gegner nicht wie üblich tötete, sondern alle am Leben ließ, um sie öfters besiegen zu können.right|thumb|100px|Asterix, der Gallier
  • Asterix il Gallico è il protagonista principale e tautologico del fumetto "Asterix il Gallico" (Asterix le Galois/Asterix lez Cigarettez) dei grandi artisti francesi René Goscinny e Albert Uderzo. I suoi più grandi (non grossi!) amici: Obelix il menhirpompo, Panoramix il druido e Idefix il microcane.
  • The Adventures of Asterix is set in 50 BC, in a fictional village in northwest Armorica (a region of ancient Gaul mostly identical to modern Brittany). The village is surrounded by the ocean on the northern and western sides, and is ringed by a high wooden gate. The other sides of the village are on the edge of a thick forest, within which there are contains four Roman garrisons which are intented to keep an eye on the village. This village is celebrated as the only part of Gaul not yet conquered by Julius Caesar and his Roman legions. This is achieved by the inhabitants gaining superhuman strength by drinking the magic potion brewed by the village druid Getafix, which allows them to confront and defeat any advancing Romans. The villagers lead a content, proud lifestyle, often getting into fights among each other for fun or against patrolling legionaries from the Roman camps. Asterix's adventures range between a wide variety of locales, including the village itself, Gaul, Rome and other far-flung countries. Frequently, Asterix and friends must deal with the Romans' attempts to conquer the village, defend their pride as indomitable Gaulish warriors, or offer assistance to those in need.
  • The series' title character is a very short warrior from Gaul (the ancient name for France). The action takes place in the year 50 BCE. Almost all of Gaul has been conquered by the Roman army under the leadership of Julius Caesar. Only the village where Asterix lives remains unconquered. This is because the village druid knows how to make a magic potion which temporarily gives anyone who drinks it superhuman strength. This allows the people of the village to fight off the Romans easily. The only person in the village who is not allowed to drink the magic potion is Asterix's overweight friend Obelix. Obelix gained permanent superhuman strength after he fell into the cauldron of magic potion when he was a little boy. In addition to the superhuman strength that he gets from drinking the magic potion, Asterix also uses his intelligence and cunning to defeat his enemies and help his friends. Many of the Asterix stories involve Asterix and Obelix traveling to other countries and helping the people there to get the better of the Romans too. A lot of the humor in the series is based on deliberate anachronisms. For example, characters are seen reading newspapers which look almost identical to modern ones, except that they are carved on stone tablets or partially written in Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. Asterix books have been translated into more than a hundred languages. Some of the titles exist in different British and American English translations. 325 million Asterix books have been sold, making Goscinny and Uderzo the best-selling French authors in the world.
  • Asterix or The Adventures of Asterix (French language: Astérix or Astérix le Gaulois, IPA: [asteʁiks lə ɡolwa]) is a series of French comics written by René Goscinny and illustrated by Albert Uderzo (Uderzo took over the writing after the death of Goscinny in 1977). The series first appeared in the Franco-Belgian comics magazine Pilote on 29 October 1959. As of 2013, 35 volumes have been released. The series follows the exploits of a village of indomitable Gauls as they resist Roman occupation. They do so by means of a magic potion, brewed by their druid called Getafix in the English translations, which gives the recipient superhuman strength. The protagonist, the titular character Asterix, along with his friend Obelix have various adventures. The "ix" ending of both names (as well as all the other pseudo-Gaulish "ix" names in the series) alludes to the "rix" suffix (meaning "king") present in the names of many real Gaulish chieftains such as Vercingetorix, Orgetorix, and Dumnorix. Many of the stories have them travel to foreign countries, though others are set in and around their village. For much of the history of the series (Volumes 4 through 29), settings in Gaul and abroad alternated, with even-numbered volumes set abroad and odd-numbered volumes set in Gaul, mostly in the village. The Asterix series is one of the most popular Franco-Belgian comics in the world, with the series being translated into over 100 languages, and it is popular in most European countries. The success of the series has led to the adaptation of several books into 12 films: eight animated, and four live action. There have also been a number of games based on the characters, and a theme park near Paris, Parc Astérix.. To date, 325 million copies of 34 Asterix books have been sold worldwide, making co-creators René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo France's bestselling authors abroad.
  • Asterix (im Original: Astérix) ist die 1959 von Autor René Goscinny (1926–1977) und Zeichner Albert Uderzo (* 1927) geschaffene, erfolgreichste französische Comicserie mit der gleichnamigen Hauptfigur im Mittelpunkt. Die Abenteuer des Titelhelden umfassen bislang 35 Alben, darunter 33 in sich geschlossene Geschichten von Albenlänge. Mit Band 35 wurde die Serie von Zeichner Didier Conrad und Texter Jean-Yves Ferri übernommen. Zudem sind im Laufe der Jahre einige Kurzgeschichten erschienen. Mehrere Abenteuer wurden verfilmt. Die ausgewogene Kombination von subtilem und satirischem Humor mit grobem Klamauk spricht eine ungewöhnlich breite Leserschaft in allen Altersgruppen und sozialen Schichten an. Asterix gehört zudem zu den wenigen Comics, die im Schulunterricht, vor allem im Fremdsprachenunterricht für Französisch, Latein und Altgriechisch, verwendet werden. Der Name „Asterix“ leitet sich von dem typografischen Zeichen Asterisk ab, griechisch für Sternchen , asterískos.
  • Asterix is a French comic book hero created by Goscinny and Uderzo in the late 1950's. Asterix is a Gaul, a Celt who lives in what is now France during the time of Julius Ceaser (c.50 BC). He, along with his sidekick, Obelix protect thier village from Roman invaders and have many other adventures as well. Keyword should be added if Asterix is a main character in the title and/or is refered to in a title (mostly in documentaries).
  • Asterix clarissimus vir Gallicus est. Vero nec altus nec fortis est, sed est homo sapiens, et si pugnandum est, etiam potens fit. Nam, in rebus adversis, potionem magicam bibit quae facit viros invincibiles. Tum agit: TA-TARATARATTARÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ Mehercules! Subito fortis fit! In hac arte, Asterix callidior est quam Oculus Crepitans nauta
  • When the roman legions arrived, Asterix and the rest of the village's warrior's used Getafix's magical potion to gain superhuman strength and easily fend off the invaders, much to Caesar's annoyance. The majority of the series usually revolves around the romans trying to conquer the village or Asterix and Obelix visiting foreign locations.