  • Burning Bridges
  • Burning Bridges
  • Burning Bridges
  • Burning Bridges
  • Burning bridges
  • Burning Bridges is the 44th mission of Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel.
  • Русское название: Выдаёт: Локация: Цель: Условия провала: Награда: Доступ к: Доступна после: Категория:МиссииКатегория:Миссии в GTA Vice City Stories[[Категория:Миссии (Диего и Армандо Мендес)]] Burning Bridges — последняя миссия в Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, выдаваемая Виктору Вэнсу наркобаронами Диего и Армандо Мендесами в их особняке на Острове Креветок, Вайс-Сити.
  • Song Name: Burning Bridges Artist: Pink Floyd Album: Obscured By Clouds Run Time: 3:29 Year: 1972 Track Number: 3 Sung By: David Gilmour, Richard Wright Written By: Roger Waters, Richard Wright Info: * The instrumental track "Mudmen" appears later on the same album, and is similar in parts, although not identical, to Burning Bridges
  • Burning Bridges is the tenth mission in Battlefield 2: Modern Combat.
  • "Burning Bridges" was a song by Annadale Fayde, released on the album Emotional Hostages. It was given a Scarlet rating by the Imperial Board of Culture.
  • Burning Bridges is one of the daily missions for villains in the Divide and Conquer set. It requires Home Turf episode access with a Combat Rating of 70+.
  • "Burning Bridges" is a Gang Hideout side mission available in Watch Dogs.
  • Burning Bridges is a 2016 American neo-noir black comedy crime thriller Written and Directed by Quentin Tarantino. The film decpits the life of Terry Grimes (Brad Pitt), who is a hitman who works for Jim Cosher (Robert Di Niro) and Terry realzies that his farther figure will lose the his current turf war and his challenge with the Police and decides to put an end to his farthers life. The Film Stars Brad Pitt, Mark Ruffalo, Robert De Niro, Chris Evans, Sienna Guillory, Samuel Jackson, Keith Stanfield, Kyle Gallner and Casey Affleck.
  • As well as referring to the idiom "burning your bridges", meaning to eliminate the option of reversing an action, Burning Bridges is also the title of many songs, including ones recorded by Pink Floyd, Status Quo, Megadeth.
  • [[Category: Levels]] Burning Bridges is a level from LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7. It is the third level of The Deathly Hallows Pt2.
  • Burning Bridges is the final mission in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories given to protagonist Victor Vance by drug kingpins Diego and Armando Mendez from their mansion on Prawn Island, Vice City.
  • Burning Bridges – misja w Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, piąta i ostatnia dla rodzeństwa Armanda i Diego Mendezów.
  • Mark wakes up battered and bruised in a car outside Charlie's warehouse. He sits up and his phone rings. Mark: Hello. What? Yeah, alright I'm listening. Charlie: Rise 'n' shine, Markie-boy. You've got work to do. Mark: Get on with it, Jolson! Charlie: I want you to pay your old pals down in Soho a visit. Frith Street, innit? I want you to let Nick Collins know you're no longer friends. Mark: What's this all about, Charlie? Charlie: I want you to do a little DIY. Mark: I'm not sure I get you. Mark: You're off your fuckin' rocker, Charlie. That's my old turf! They're friends of mine.
  • Aanson: Heh, you should cool off a bit…oh that’s a good one! The Scarlet lunges smashing the ice, he stumbles and Aanson focuses again he shoots some a beam of a ice at the man’s feet freezing them. The man struggles trying to break free but fails. Aanson: [laughing and panting] I…I can’t belive…I’m being chased…by a…hahaha…a demonic sheep. Suzanne: Ow! Fool! Watch where your- what’s that? Aanson: Get him off me! Suzanne: I never knew you were so good with animals brother. Aanson: I’ve polymorphed him you berk! Get him off me! Aanson: Phew, good timing. Suzanne: Who is this man? Aanson: Who?
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  • Burning Bridges
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  • willa braci Mendez na Wyspie Prawn, Vice City
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  • Смерть Виктора Вэнса, смерть Лэнса, остаться на складе во время взрыва
  • ucieczka ze składu paliwa
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  • Blitzkrieg Strikes Again
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  • Burning Bridges
  • Diego and Armando Mendez offering Lance and Victor Vance their life and freedom, if they leave Vice City and hand over their assets
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  • Burning Bridges
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  • *Plant Explosives On The 4 Bridge Stanchions **Place Explosives At Support Beam 1 **Place Explosives At Support Beam 2 **Place Explosives At Support Beam 3 **Place Explosives At Support Beam 4 *Evacuate The Bridge Before The Explosive Detonate
  • *Destroy the cliff side *Destroy the convoy *Eliminate the target *Destroy the convoy *Destroy the cartel vehicles. *Eliminate limo guard- Save Fiona *Destroy the tower. *Take out Destroyers
  • Y8-3
  • 275
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  • 50000
  • Burning Bridges is the 44th mission of Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel.
  • Aanson: Heh, you should cool off a bit…oh that’s a good one! The Scarlet lunges smashing the ice, he stumbles and Aanson focuses again he shoots some a beam of a ice at the man’s feet freezing them. The man struggles trying to break free but fails. Aanson: [laughing and panting] I…I can’t belive…I’m being chased…by a…hahaha…a demonic sheep. Suzanne: Ow! Fool! Watch where your- what’s that? Aanson: Get him off me! Suzanne: I never knew you were so good with animals brother. Aanson: I’ve polymorphed him you berk! Get him off me! Aanson: Phew, good timing. Suzanne: Who is this man? Aanson: No idea, I was ordered to do patrol duty with this guy. All of a sudden he spouts nonsense about his master and how I’m going to die. Suzanne: It’s one of those demon people… Aanson: Who? Suzanne: There are these people who think they are possessed by demons and act like fools…then all of a sudden they get better. Aanson: [laughs] get better? What nonsense! Shall we take him to crypts? Suzanne: It’s been a week now since Endjinn… Aanson: Ah yes…Imoen has been a bit…distant as of late. Suzanne: Yes it- look can we talk later this guy may wake up. Aanson: Think that bought us a few minutes? Suzanne: What are you doing!? We need him alive! Aanson: [sigh] come on then let’s take him inside. Habeus: Breathren…what are you doing with brother Perkins? Aanson: He tried to kill me High Emissary! Habeus: Goodness! Aanson: Aye! Aye! Suzanne: What shall we do with him High Emissary? Habeus: Leave him here, when he wakes up I’ll let him say his piece. Suzanne: Very well High Emissary. Elizabetha: If you and Suzanne left the crusade would be one step closer to shadow… Endjinn: Our paths will cross Imoen. Suzanne: I don’t know if I want to be a crusader anymore! Imoen: I’ve never seen her express so much emotion before…it was strange, innocence…I thought she didn’t have that…I can’t belive what I saw a week ago…all my friends have been so distant…hardly talking to me…what am I going to do? Philip: Oh, hello your one of those Scarlets aren’t you? Philip: Yes, my brother is with you, you know? Imoen: Oh, that’s nice…what’s his name? Philip: Perkins. Imoen: Yes…I know him. Philip: Yes, he very good person is perkins. Very noble, yes. Imoen: Well to be honest I wouldn’t say so. Philip: Oh dear has he got into a scrap again? Imoen: You could say that. Philip: Oh dear, you look a bit upset. Imoen: Just…leave me alone. Habeus: It’s been two days now sister, he has threatened me and I want you to get information out of him by any means possible. Suzanne: I will do my best High Emissary. Suzanne: Let’s begin. Philip: …Very noble… Hejin: They let me out on good behaviour! Elizabetha: If you and Suzanne left the crusade would be one step closer to shadow… Strange voice: You know there is no hope. Strange voice: There is nothing but evil. Evil is free to roam whilst good is stamped on, you are alone Imoen. Alone is a world filled with darkness… Imoen: Where are you!? Show yourself! Strange voice: There is no hope, Imoen. You have already failed. Imoen: [looking around] Failed at what!? Elizabetha: Protecting me. Suzanne: Saving me. Louise: Teaching me. Imoen: What the hell!? Is this some kind of joke your pulling on me? Elizabetha: We are shadow now. Louise: We have our daggers ready. Suzanne: We are no longer your friend or family. Imoen: Wait! What did I do? Louise: Isn’t it obvious? Because of you, I joined the dark embrace. Suzanne: Because of you, I forgot what it was to feel. Elizabetha: Because of you, I gave into hatred. Imoen: But I havn’t done anything yet…Louise is still in the Crusade, Suzanne showed pure emotion yesturday and Elizabetha could never give into hatred. Strange voice: You “will” learn. Philip: Wakey, you were screaming. Imoen: I…I was? Philip: I’m preety angry with you. Imoen: Wha? What did I do? Philip: You failed me and my brother. Imoen: I-I-I did? Philip: Yes, my brother was tortured today by Miss Suzanne bellmarsh- Imoen: WHAT!?! Philip: Oh, you didn’t know. Imoen: Where is she? Philip: She should be here any minute, her and her friend came to check up on you. Imoen: Right. Imoen: We need to talk. Suzanne: If you wish. moen: You tortured Perkins… Suzanne: Oh…so this is what’s it’s about is it? Imoen: What are you doing sister? What about the three virtues? Suzanne: I had to do what I was ordered to do. Imoen: The High Emissary gave you the order!? Suzanne: By ever means possible he said. Imoen: So you did it out of your own accord!? Suzanne: Yes. Imoen: Suzanne… Suzanne: I had to make sure he was him sister! You weren’t there you didn’t see what he was like! It was frightening the way he spoke…I had to make sure he was him! Philip: Yes, she, she used nitting needles, put it on his throat, to strangle him painfully. Imoen: Is this true? Suzanne: …I had to do it. Philip: My poor brother after the loss of Endjinn- Suzanne: Your “saint” of a brother enjoyed him being disciplined and he even kicked him afterwards. Imoen: And why are you spying on me? Philip: I think you had to know the truth- Imoen: LEAVE US ALONE LIGHT SAKES! Imoen: What’s happening to Suzanne? Suzanne: Nothing. Imoen: I find a nineteen year old girl torturing someone a big deal. Suzanne: Perhaps… Imoen: I’m lost for words…I can’t believe what you did…there are other ways to find out who someone is… Suzanne: I was just afraid… Imoen: [sigh] let’s just forget about it shall we? Suzanne: If that is what you wish… Imoen: I just want to know that you won’t do this again…and that you understand that ‘this’ isn’t following the light sister. Suzanne: I understand sister. Aanson: Hey some really boring guy told me you were preety angry Imoen, if it’s about that Perking’s bloke he attacked me and threatened The High Emissary. Suzanne: No it’s not about that… Aanson: Oh…well then…let’s erm, let’s go back home. Aanson: Heads up, might be another demon-possessed idiot again. Crusader: [out of breath] Sisters…Aanson. Imoen: What’s wrong brother? Crusader: Brother Thepol has been held hostage! Suzanne: WHAT!? Crusader: A night elf rogue who goes by the name of Nightmere is holding him hostage and will only let him go on one condition… Aanson: And that is… Crusader: Well he said sister Suzanne here would know… Suzanne: Light’s sake. Imoen: She’s keeping secrets from me… Aanson: Imoen. Imoen: What else has she done Aanson…tell me! Aanson: Woah hey carrot hair calm down! She hasn’t done anything lets just see how this pans out- Imoen: What if brother Thepol is killed?! HMM! Aanson: Well im sure we can stop a night elf…just tell him there is cheap booze in the next room and he’ll let him go. Aanson: Come on then, we best make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid. Imoen: I don’t care what this “secret” is just say it so Thepol can go unharmed. Suzanne: There is no secret. Imoen: So you won’t even tell me then? Your best friend and sister? Suzanne: Your NOT my best friend and your NOT my sister! Suzanne: You want to know what this ‘secret’ is? Fine. It’s a little story that Apostate Clarizy spread about me going out with the High Emissary! There. Happy? Imoen: Oh, sorry I didn’t know…I’m sorry… Suzanne: I think you’ve done enough just leave me alone will you!? Imoen: [sigh] Sorry… Aanson: I have a cunning plan… Imoen: [whisper] This is stupid this isn’t going to work. Aanson: [whisper] He comes from Goldshire and he’s a nightelf do the math. The crusaders chuckle quietly. Nightmere: [to Thepol] Looks like your brethren have left you…sure have taken their time. Nightmere: Ale! Wait a minute…I smell a trap… Aanson: [whisper] this guy is more clever that I anticipated…time for plan B…CHARGE! Nightmere: Scarlets! I am your Nightmere- Aanson: There we go nothing to it. Thepol: Thank you brethren! Imoen: Stupid nightelves…are you alright brother? Thepol: Aye! Imoen: Good, let’s get out of here. Perkins: You did well. Philip: Thank you putting on that monotone voice was annoying, the plan is working perfectly. Perkins: Indeed. It only took a small push and Suzanne, Imoen and even Louise have feel for it. Philip: We must remember who our main target is. Perkins: Agreed, the other two have worked very well for us and look…look how this will pan out… Philip: Let’s do it after that. Perkins: No, we must pick the right time to strike dear friend, the master needs to complete his set and if we should fail…he will not be pleased. Philip: You are right of course, let’s get rid of these forms they bore me so. They were good puppets. Perkins: Agreed. Imoen: Suzanne…I have failed her, she doesn’t want to know me anymore what a fool I was…Louise…the once innocent child like girl dragged Endjinn’s girlfriend up those stairs killing her child…they have all lost their ways…and it’s my fault. I should have been there, to at least make them stop before they got any worse…but what did I do? Watch. Aanson…he’s all I have left but what his mother said to him…she didn’t like me at all. What will I do to him? Why I am here? What am I doing? I just don’t know anymore…I just don’t know… Clarizy: Tommrow is the big day dearest. Hejin: Yes Dear, the time for Imoen’s death is almost at hand and with her death we shall merge into one being…and then, we shall await from the master. Clarizy: He will be most pleased dearest. Hejin: Yes dear and with that we shall start a new age in Stormwind just like our master promised. Clarizy: It’s so exciting Dearest! Hejin: Come, let’s leave Imoen for her final supper and her final rest…because tomorrow will be the start of Imoen’s destiny.
  • Русское название: Выдаёт: Локация: Цель: Условия провала: Награда: Доступ к: Доступна после: Категория:МиссииКатегория:Миссии в GTA Vice City Stories[[Категория:Миссии (Диего и Армандо Мендес)]] Burning Bridges — последняя миссия в Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, выдаваемая Виктору Вэнсу наркобаронами Диего и Армандо Мендесами в их особняке на Острове Креветок, Вайс-Сити.
  • Song Name: Burning Bridges Artist: Pink Floyd Album: Obscured By Clouds Run Time: 3:29 Year: 1972 Track Number: 3 Sung By: David Gilmour, Richard Wright Written By: Roger Waters, Richard Wright Info: * The instrumental track "Mudmen" appears later on the same album, and is similar in parts, although not identical, to Burning Bridges
  • Burning Bridges is the tenth mission in Battlefield 2: Modern Combat.
  • Mark wakes up battered and bruised in a car outside Charlie's warehouse. He sits up and his phone rings. Mark: Hello. What? Yeah, alright I'm listening. Charlie: Rise 'n' shine, Markie-boy. You've got work to do. Mark: Get on with it, Jolson! Charlie: I want you to pay your old pals down in Soho a visit. Frith Street, innit? I want you to let Nick Collins know you're no longer friends. Mark: What's this all about, Charlie? Charlie: I want you to do a little DIY. Mark: I'm not sure I get you. Charlie: I want you to remodel Collins' restaurant, The Republic. I mean trash it. Smash the place to pieces. Crucify 'em! No, wait. Torch the place! You got me? Don't leave there until that place is a towering fucking inferno! Mark: You're off your fuckin' rocker, Charlie. That's my old turf! They're friends of mine. Charlie: You heard me. Just get on with it. I'd better be seeing The Republic on the six o' clock news, or your boy will be all over the headlines by ten. I don't want any excuses, Hammond. Just do the job if you want to see your kid alive. Mark drives to The Republic, torches it, and escapes out of Soho.
  • "Burning Bridges" was a song by Annadale Fayde, released on the album Emotional Hostages. It was given a Scarlet rating by the Imperial Board of Culture.
  • Burning Bridges is one of the daily missions for villains in the Divide and Conquer set. It requires Home Turf episode access with a Combat Rating of 70+.
  • "Burning Bridges" is a Gang Hideout side mission available in Watch Dogs.
  • Burning Bridges is a 2016 American neo-noir black comedy crime thriller Written and Directed by Quentin Tarantino. The film decpits the life of Terry Grimes (Brad Pitt), who is a hitman who works for Jim Cosher (Robert Di Niro) and Terry realzies that his farther figure will lose the his current turf war and his challenge with the Police and decides to put an end to his farthers life. The Film Stars Brad Pitt, Mark Ruffalo, Robert De Niro, Chris Evans, Sienna Guillory, Samuel Jackson, Keith Stanfield, Kyle Gallner and Casey Affleck.
  • As well as referring to the idiom "burning your bridges", meaning to eliminate the option of reversing an action, Burning Bridges is also the title of many songs, including ones recorded by Pink Floyd, Status Quo, Megadeth.
  • [[Category: Levels]] Burning Bridges is a level from LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7. It is the third level of The Deathly Hallows Pt2.
  • Burning Bridges is the final mission in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories given to protagonist Victor Vance by drug kingpins Diego and Armando Mendez from their mansion on Prawn Island, Vice City.
  • Burning Bridges – misja w Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, piąta i ostatnia dla rodzeństwa Armanda i Diego Mendezów.
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