  • Metallic Regeneration Technique
  • Derived from her Metallification Technique, this ability allows her to restore herself. This restoration could range from gaining material to use more powerful attacks, to regenerating lost limbs, to replenishing chakra. While this is best used on materials made of iron (because this material naturally resides in the human body) it can be used on metallic compounds that contain iron within its makeup as well as other metals. To that end it can be used to a limited extent on humans, by absorbing the iron that resides in their body, allowing the user to take chakra as well, resulting in the replenishing of the user's reserves.
jutsu type
  • Metal Release
debut shippuden
  • No
literal english
  • Metallic Regeneration Technique
jutsu classification
  • Kekkei Tōta~Metal Release, Ninjutsu, Chakra Absorption Technique
unnamed jutsu
  • No
parent jutsu
  • Metallification Technique
jutsu range
  • Short, Mid
related jutsu
  • Cellular Regeneration Absorption
english tv
  • Ninja Art: Metallic Restoration
jutsu class type
  • Supplementary
jutsu media
  • Anime, Manga
  • Derived from her Metallification Technique, this ability allows her to restore herself. This restoration could range from gaining material to use more powerful attacks, to regenerating lost limbs, to replenishing chakra. While this is best used on materials made of iron (because this material naturally resides in the human body) it can be used on metallic compounds that contain iron within its makeup as well as other metals. To that end it can be used to a limited extent on humans, by absorbing the iron that resides in their body, allowing the user to take chakra as well, resulting in the replenishing of the user's reserves.