  • Ivory Pole
  • The Ivory Pole is a high-ranked pole that provides +75 Attack and 12% combo rate. Poles' attack speed is average at 2.47s charge and 1.2s action time. It can be bought for 13,500 gil at Balfonheim Port, or bought from the Bazaar by selling Wind Crystal x7, Demon Feather x6, and Blood-Darkened Bone x8. It requires 35 LP and the Poles 4 license in order to equip.
  • The Ivory Pole is a high-ranked pole that provides +75 Attack and 12% combo rate. Poles' attack speed is average at 2.47s charge and 1.2s action time. It can be bought for 13,500 gil at Balfonheim Port, or bought from the Bazaar by selling Wind Crystal x7, Demon Feather x6, and Blood-Darkened Bone x8. It requires 35 LP and the Poles 4 license in order to equip.