  • Family of Merlin
  • Merlin became the first king of Xanth in 204. He married Tapis in 206. Jonathan was delivered to them in 207, and Taplin in 216. Taplin was supposed to go into an enchanted sleep and wake when a suitable prince kissed her awake. It did not happen. She went to Castle Roogna and married its builder, King Roogna. Had it happened, she would have been awoken by Dolph and married him. They would have had a son named Dolin. Hiatus met Desiree, a dryad, in 1067 and married her in 1094. Piper was delivered to them in 1095. In Xanth Reality 5, Jot-Six was married to Surprise-Six and had a child.
  • Merlin became the first king of Xanth in 204. He married Tapis in 206. Jonathan was delivered to them in 207, and Taplin in 216. Taplin was supposed to go into an enchanted sleep and wake when a suitable prince kissed her awake. It did not happen. She went to Castle Roogna and married its builder, King Roogna. Had it happened, she would have been awoken by Dolph and married him. They would have had a son named Dolin. Millie was delivered in 219 and met Jonathan in 236. They both died in the same year but were revived years apart. Millie was revived in 1043, and Jonathan in 1055. They married in 1055, and had their twins Hiatus and Lacuna in 1056. Hiatus met Desiree, a dryad, in 1067 and married her in 1094. Piper was delivered to them in 1095. Lacuna dated Vernon for a while but did not marry him when he asked. She changed her mind and was able to retroactively marry him in 1078. Ryver was delivered to them in 1080 and the twins Jot and Tittle in 1083. Their possible daughter Lacky would have been delivered in 1079. In Xanth Reality 5, Jot-Six was married to Surprise-Six and had a child. Note: Yellow boxes indicate Magician-level talents. Gray boxes are possible family. Purple borders are Kings.