  • Vorfolse
  • Count Vorfolse was a District Count of Barrayar. As a result of his ancestors' tendency to choose losing sides in all conflicts, the count as of A Civil Campaign chose to remain unaligned with any of them, claiming to be a member of his own isolated party. His District was somewhere on the South Coast.
  • Count Vorfolse was a District Count of Barrayar. As a result of his ancestors' tendency to choose losing sides in all conflicts, the count as of A Civil Campaign chose to remain unaligned with any of them, claiming to be a member of his own isolated party. His District was somewhere on the South Coast. Instead of living in a mansion, he stayed in a simple apartment with a brass tag on the door titled "Vorfolse House". The lack of impressiveness of his lifestyle led Armsman Szabo of Vorrutyer House to state that if he were one of Vorfolse's people, he'd actually encourage the man to steal from his District because his lifestyle made a very poor show for them.